Outside The End P.4

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Ranboo was having some second thoughts on following the two strange men.

Even with the small trust issues, Ranboo decided to follow them anyways because he knew he wouldn't be able to get out of there himself.

And it sure was interesting.

The air was filled with an awkward silence that Phil did his best to at least try and break. Techno didn't mind basking in it though, as he made no attempt to talk to anyone.

Ranboo didn't mind though, and thought that Phil's attempts were a bit saddening. Though he was very stuck on taking to these strangers as little as possible.

Based on their build, Ranboo wouldn't be surprised if these people have murdered someone before!

And Ranboo has never felt more snap-able.

"Just a few more and we'll be out of here." Phil announced, to really no one as Ranboo was spaced out and Techno didn't need instructions.

Walking out of that stone building was a feeling Ranboo knows he will never forget.

He was a hit with a sudden warmth, something he had never felt before in the End. Of course it felt somewhat warmer in the stone rooms, but man does this take the cake.

Ranboo had to back track as soon as he stepped out though, since he was blinded by a mass amount of light.

He covered his hand in front of his eyes and let out a low hiss. Techno's clenching on the sword in his hand a little tighter with the noise did not go unnoticed.

Ranboo slowly let his arm fall and be blinked multiple times before fully opening his eyes.

Ranboo's tails flew behind him as his eyes trailed from one thing to another. He was not disappointed.

The grass felt cool under his feet as he watched the blades move with the wind. The flowers were being attended by weird tiny insects that seemed to fly from one flower to another.

He didn't understand why they were doing that. Maybe they liked to appreciate the flowers up close? And were they hissing? Did they not enjoy the flowers?... no, no that's not a hissing sound. More of a.. a buzzing sound, like static!

Ranboo sat on the grass floor, next to one of the flowers that were being accompanied by the tiny winged insect.

The buzzing was more louder now, and Ranboo watched the thing examine the flower.

Ranboo wondered what it would be like to live as a tiny insect. Would it be hard to support your body with such small wings? Or would he enjoy being able to fly flower to flower?

Ranboo's thoughts were interrupted by the small insect flying up, past Ranboo's face a little too close.

It left some weird orange-yellow powder on Ranboo's nose and it scrunched up in response, causing him to sneeze.

Did the tiny insect do it on purpose? Did it like the thought of spit flying out of one's mouth do to and itch on the nose?

Ranboo could say he would never understand those small insect's.

When the bug had gone Ranboo let out a small sigh, falling backwards onto the grass. The warmth in the air was comforting as hell, and he couldn't help but just lay there on the floor.

Then he was attacked.

A bigger green insect jumped to close to Ranboo's face on the floor. He jumped up immediately, screeching a bit has he stumbled to another spot on the grass.

The insect didn't seem to react, and jumped away from the spot Ranboo was once laying on to somewhere else in the grassy fields.

Stupid bug. Were all the bugs in the Over World this rude?

Ranboo heard a snicker, and for the first time when he came out of the stone room, remembered he wasn't alone.

"So you've really been in the End all your life?"

It was a dumb question, Ranboo thought, but he replied by nodding his head.

"Well, then we'll have to take you to our place." Phil announced, causing both Techno's and Ranboo's heads to whip to Phil's.


Ranboo agreed with Techno's statement.

"Obviously this kid knows good shit to nothing about anything in the Over World! It's like leaving a helpless newborn baby outside of your house and expecting it to start a life on their own."

Ranboo took offense to that statement, but it's not like it was false. Ranboo really did know 'shit to nothing' (in Phil's words), about the Over World.

"You're not taking in another kid, Phil."

"I'm not leaving a kid to rot in the forest, Techno."

They both were left staring at each other, and Ranboo felt like the third wheel to a staring contest.

Techno let out a small sigh, signaling that Phil had won.

"Welp, all aboard the magic school bus." Phil clapped his hands together.

What on XD's green earth is a school bus!?



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