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BadBoyHalo: Are we really going to let Philza keep Tommy?
Skeppy: We kept Sapnap.


Techno: Tell them to eat shit, Wilbur.
Wilbur: Tell them yourself.
Techno: Eat shit, asshole. Fall of your horse.


Ranboo: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Tubbo: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Ranboo, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.


Fundy: The floor is lava!
Techno: *helps Ranboo onto the counter*
Skeppy: *kicks Tommy off the sofa*
Tommy: *lays on the floor*
Fundy: ...Are you okay?
Tommy: No.


Philza: Skeppy, what are you doing?
Skeppy: *shaking a cat shaped piggy bank* I'm just trying to figure out how much change I have inside.
Philza: You could always take it out and count it.
Skeppy: Where's the fun in that?


Wilbur: You gotta slow down and smell the flowers... appreciate life's miracles.
Wilbur: Like me. I'm life's greatest miracle.


Ranboo: What kinds of sounds annoy you?
Skeppy: Are we talking real sounds or imaginary ones?
Ranboo, now interested: Lets say imaginary.
Skeppy: Spiders wearing flip flops.


Wilbur: Hey, are you okay?
Fundy: Yeah.
Wilbur: You don't look okay...
Fundy: Then stop looking.


Tubbo: Wilbur likes to win. When they were 8, a little Club Scout friend of theirs bragged they could sell the most cookies.
Tubbo: Damned if Wilbur didn't walk the neighborhood till they got blisters on their feet, and won by 10 boxes.
Tubbo: Best part is, Wilbur wasn't even a Club Scout.


Techno: Hi could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Wilbur: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Wilbur: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells and I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges, but I didn't own any pots...
Tubbo: Did you burn an orange too? HOW?!
Wilbur: Microwave for 40 minutes.


Techno, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me.
Skeppy: Yeah, Techno will straight up cry in public. Don't try them.
Techno: Exactly, I will straight up-
Techno, tearing up: Skeppy, why would you say that?!


Tubbo: When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Tubbo lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the person who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


Fundy: This is a very powerful artifact. You'd be messing with some forces we don't fully understand.
Tommy: That sounds like a dare to me.
Fundy: Oh my god.


Philza: So I'm the only one around here who can clean up, huh? You can't even lift a finger?
Tubbo: Do I get to pick the finger?

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