Viagra (Chaennie)

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Jennie G!P

"You ordered some Viagra for delivery?"

The receptionist's voice rang loud in the lobby, echoing off the walls. Her question was directed at an older man who was waiting impatiently. The man turned around and looked at her, clearly annoyed by the volume of her voice.

"Keep it down," he said. "Yes, I did."
"I'm sorry, but you need to be 18 or older to order those kinds of products," the receptionist replied.
"What?" the man exclaimed, outraged. "This is ridiculous. Can't I just get a refund then? You don't understand; I have a date tonight and I want to make sure things go well. I'll even buy something else off your site."

The receptionist looked him over and sighed. She typed something on her computer. After a few seconds, she looked up.

"Alright, you'll get your refund," she said. "I just need your ID so I can confirm your age."

The man dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small plastic card. He handed it over to the woman and she scanned it. After another minute, the receipt came out of the printer.

"Here's your money," she said.
"Thanks," the man replied as he took his card back. "So, about that other item... do you have any suggestions? What would you recommend?"
"Well, what do you want? We have plenty of items that can help you with your 'date'."
"Okay, so what's the best thing?"

The woman thought for a moment. Then, she turned around and grabbed something off a shelf behind her.

"This is the most popular product," she said as she handed him a small box.

He looked it over and nodded.

"It's not the most expensive," he commented.
"That's because it's on sale," she replied. "But, it gets the job done. Plus, it's not bad tasting. I've heard from people that it works well for them."

The man smiled.

"Perfect. That's what I'll take."

He placed the box on the counter and went to pay. When he left, the receptionist glanced over at the box. It was a bottle of Viagra.

Jennie was sitting at her desk, typing away at her laptop. She had just finished a report for one of her classes and now she was working on her thesis paper. The work was stressful and time-consuming, but she was determined to complete it.

She had been working non-stop for the past two weeks, only stopping to eat and sleep. As a result, she was extremely exhausted. She was so focused on her task that she didn't notice when someone came up behind her.

"Hey," a voice whispered.

She jumped and turned around, startled. Standing behind her was her friend, Lisa. She was smiling and holding a bag in her hands.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," she said. "Here."

She placed the bag on Jennie's desk.

"I got you some food," she explained.

Jennie sighed.

"You didn't have to do that."
"Of course I did. You've been working hard lately and I thought you might need a break."

Jennie reached into the bag and pulled out a sandwich.

"Thanks," she said.

Lisa shrugged.

"No problem."

She sat down next to her and started eating.

"How are you doing?"

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