𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 .. + ii

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My first night, wasn't as much as I expected it to be. It was lonely, scary, and..nightmares.

Which is what kept me up. I exited the cabin, someone must've noticed me, that someone followed me out.

I was too careless to even care. I sat down on the stairs, only 3 steps up. Feeling at ease, the wind brushing over my hair, looking around, only seeing the torches all lit up.

"Hey." A voice behind me greeted, creepy enough that it scared me, causing me to flinch.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." It was a muscular voice, it was a boy. He sat beside me, his face finally clear to me.

It's the same guy from earlier afternoon. The guy, with dark curls, taller than me, actually good looking. "Isabella, right?" He says, "Yes." I muttered. "I'm Luke." He stuck out his hand, a small smile on his lips. Almost hesitant, but did shake his hand.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked, his gaze shifting to who knows where, "Nightmares. Why are you still awake?" I asked back, he looked to my way once again, "Couldn't sleep. Can't figure why, it usually doesn't happen." He replied, scrunching his nose. "How's your first day in Camp half-blood?" "Indescribable, honestly." Luke chuckles, "It's normal for first days. Trust me."

I giggled, "By any chance, are you- uhm.." "Unclaimed? No. Hermes is my father." He says, his face not even showing a single emotion, with the mention of his father. "Not that it matters. We're all on the same team here." He smiles, but, his face looked highly disappointed.

"By any chance, Luke. Do you maybe know what and how I could get claimed by my mother?" I asked him, feeling anxious. "Well, you can't force the gods to do anything," he shrugged, I nodded as a reply.

Sooner or later, we both heard footsteps, "It must be Chiron, we should go back in."

Luke says, as he grabs my arm, leading us both back in the cabin.

My first night wasn't so bad, not anymore.

the archer's cupid .. luke castellan ⁂Where stories live. Discover now