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Author POV-


both Taehyung and jungkook screamed in unison.

"Geez why are you both shouting? It's just a joke. So what if u both were brothe-"

"Irene enough. Please, let's just eat the food." Taehyung said, getting visibly irritated with the "brothers" word, and he himself quite didn't know why.

"It was nice meeting you Taehyung. I hope u come more often." Irene said, voice soft and kind.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come next time. You know this was just strict business. Now that you approved to my deal,I'm not sure if I'll have  free time." Taehyung said, voice deep with affirmation.

"Wh-what deal?" Jungkook spoke, disappointed with the older's words but also confused with the thing both of them were talking about.

"Oh, Taehyung did not tell you? Well, he is a businessman and his brand " Tealcore" is a jwellery marketing shop. He wants me to model for that. Ugh, too bad you won't be coming anymore but it's okay. Let's meet next week then?"

"Next week it is." Taehyung was about to walk off when jungkook went towards him, locking the door after.

"Wait, Taehyung!!" And Taehyung immediately turned around with the younger frantically running towards him.

"I- I wanted to say t-that, was it all just for fun?" Jungkook asked, in hope, clearly visible through his glistening eyes.

"Well, what else would it be?" Taehyung said but soon got the idea as he saw the younger tearing up at that sentence.

"B-but I love you Taehyung-"

"Shut up Jeon. You have a wife and I have a company to handle. You cannot just cheat on her twice in a row. Do you think I'm that of a fool to fall in love with a man, who doesn't even love his own wife? Didn't she get you enough? That you had to seduce me to get into my pants? Sure I quite liked it but that's simply it. I know that I'm equally at fault for giving you false hopes but get another whore who is more than willing to fuck you."

"I'm not someone whom you can love nor can I love them." Taehyung spoke, voice dead and cold, unaffected with the crying younger who now forcefully hugged the elder.

"Y-YOU PEACE OF SHIT.yo-you cannot just leave me after almost fucking me!! I love you. I LOVE YOU KIM TAEHYUNG."



"well you need to. I'm here for flings. Understand? I don't ever want to come near the word "love" so fuck off before I slap you." Taehyung said and harshly pushed the younger who stumbled backwards.

"W-what a je-jerk." Jungkook mumbled looking at the figure walking away, far away from him.

"W-what a jerk to f-fall in love- with another jerk, a-after having someone in your life jeon. I-im such a bastard. I almo-no I cheated on my own fucking wife?"  

Author POV-

Guilt. A feeling that can ruin anyone but also build their success. At this moment, jungkook could not help but feel guilty to even look at his wife. And he felt the worst when above all this, his heart still ached for just a glimpse, a glimpse of the older male, who smelled like cocoa beans and vanilla.

It had been two weeks since they last met and today, today was the shooting of the commercial. Which of course meant that the bunny male could meet the man he had been longing for.

He felt excruciatingly bad when he kept looking at the time, but his  rational thoughts flew off the cliff when he saw the older, walking in towards his and Irene's vanity, which was a white and black van, with enough space for 4 people.

"Look who's here.  Finally, after two fucking hours?" Taehyung spoke as he saw the woman still fixing her makeup.

"It takes time tae. Do you want your product to be a hit or no?" Irene questions and Taehyung talks no further, knowing that it would be his loss.

No one was minding the shorter male, who just kept staring at the older. Only after a few moments did Taehyung finally steal a glance at the already staring male and raised his eyebrows.

"Is there something on my face?"


"Then why the fuck are you looking at me Jeon?" Taehyung's rude voice sent shivers down the younger's spine and he immeadiately looks away.

"I-i wasn't though"

Just then, Taehyung scoots over, closer to the younger and whispers in his ears, still standing,

"I hate liars Jeon. Especially If it's a lie coming from you" and with that he backed away, not minding those beautiful doe eyes staring at him, enlarging his pupils.

He sighs, lights up a cigarette and was about to place it on his lips when he felt a hand provocing him from doing so

"I hate smokers, especially if it's you that's smoking, because I forbid anything that touches those lips, if anything it should be mine"

Jungkook mumbles against his ear , softly whispering those devilish words, as if he did not just charm the man, yet again, by his words.

𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 / TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now