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Author POV:-

Clock ticking sounds were heard from the small yet cozy house. Jungkook sighed, tiredness lingering in his eyes, ready to sleep any momen. But the reason why he could not was because his dear wife, Irene, wasn't home. She was out,yet again, partying despite having a child. Jungkook soon heard the door clicking noise and he flinched by the noise.

"Look who's here. It's fucking 2 in the morning Irene. When will you start being responsible and act like an actual mother for once? "

"Stop it kook. I'm tired." Irene spoke, all drunk, mascara smeared over her face, looking completely wasted. Jungkook's eyes glazed with tears. Having enough of this shit.

"Stop what? The acting ive been doing since we had a child or the acting that I can actually fix you? You always come home being drunk I think you forgot that we have a fucking child-"

"So what huh? Jungkook you know what?! Your pathetic ass is not the oone feeding this family. It's my modelling career that is doing so. And what the fuck you mean by a child? It's your responsibility too that you should look over him. Not only me. I'm tired we will talk-"

" IM TIRED OF THIS LIFE. I WANT TO DIE. I LEFT EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE THING FOR YOU, FOR US IRENE. you're- you're really hopeless. I've lost faith in you. Fuck you. Did you hear me? FUCK YOU!!" Jungkook shouted as he saw Irene carelessly walking towards their shared bedroom. He saw how she was so unbothered about everything. His life was hell. And he made the decision for doing so. But what could he do? Make his child go fatherless? He was the only one looking after him. He could not even imagine what would've happened if he wasn't there. 

Sighing to himself, he decided that it was the best if he slept seperately. Sitting on the sofa again, his mind wandered off to how his life felt like. He did not realise when a few years quickly escalated his eyes. Sobbing all to himself, he suddenly felt so alone, so vulnerable that he could not comprehend how his life becamse such a complicated one.

"W-what have I done?"



Entering the small lavishly designed cafe, Taehyung scrunched his face at that awfullly strong coffee smell. But of course, since this was a cafe, the smell was a very common thing. He walked towards the counter to give his order, when he was greeted by a warm smile on the cashier's face.

"Good morning sir! What would you like to have today?"

"The usual." Taehyung stated, voice cold, unlike the cashier's. The aforementioned just nodded and came out with the bill which he soon handed over to the latter.

"Please have a sit sir. You're order will be ready soon." Taehyung nodded and soon went towards his direction to find a place. He saw a small boy sitting all alone in a table where three people could sit. Feeling an unexplainable feeling, he got reminded of his childhood. He was also very lonely, but unlike the kid sitting on the chair who had a pleasent expression on his face, Taehyung was always the grumpy one.

Chuckling to himself, he makes his way towards the kid who soon notices his very presence. The small kid's eyes widens as he saw how the latter was looking so handsome yet pretty. He never saw any pretty person besides his mom and dad but seeing Taehyung's Greek god like face his eyes soon held stars in them.

"Unclewww you're so pretty!!" The kid exclaimed to which Taehyung chuckled, feeling his heart warming at that adorable complement.

"I don't think you're that bad yourself sunshine. Is anyone sitting with you, or can I sit with you?"

The kid nodded excitedly, suddenly all the warnings his dad made him remember flew off from his mind as soon as he heard that offer.

"Yes please!!"

"Thank you sunshine. But what are you doing here? Sitting all alone? Where is your dad hm? Or, your mom-"

"JEONGIN? I've been looking for you everywhere! Why do you run from your place huh? Couldn't you wait for appa to come and take the orders-" a voice, which Taehyung remembered very well, soon interrupted them. He turned his head towards that familar voice and his eyes soon widened.



They both looked into each other's eyes, not saying anything but still explaining every single thing somehow. Taehyung looked as he saw how the younger's eyes still shined with stars every time he looked into them. He saw how the younger still had a habit of wearing a muffler wheather it was summer, winter, or even the rainy season. He saw how the younger sti- still bit his lips whenever he was nervous, happy or excited. All in all, he saw how the  jungkook that he once broke up with, was still the same bunny he met.

For Jungkook, he saw and he felt how ghe older's hazel brown eyes still held every emotion in them. He saw how the older still did not turn away, or looked away from him. For which he was greatful because he simply did not want the older to turn him down again. His heart still never left his presence. It was always preserved. For him.

A clap noise made them get out of the staring contest as they saw a little munchkin standing in between them with pouty lips and squinted eyes.

"I wanna play stary stary game too!! And unclew I know my appa is pretty but stop staring!! Mama you too and you three!" Little jeongin scolded the two who's ears were blazing red because of the embarrassment he faced from the little kid. Well, it was jungkook's kid afterall. What can you expect?

"Hm, so you have a sibling now?"

Taehyung chuckled and nodded.

"Cliche but I love her. She's the bestest thing that ever happened to me." Taehyung said, sipping on his strawberry shake. He saw how jungkook's son was just playing on the phone, without giving a damn as his cheeks rose up in a pout whenever he lost the game.

Taehyung could not help bug chuckle seeing at the xerox copy of his ex boyfriend.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing. So how's life going with Irene?"

Jungkook's face suddenly turned sad and Taehyung almost killed himself for saying that.

"I'm sor-"

"It was the worst yet the best descision ever. Nothing changed with her but I know jeongin needed to have both of his parents by his side. He cannot just live with his mother tae. But I don't like Irene either. She just makes my life a mess. And I hate her for that."

"Why don't you just devorce her?" Taehyung suggested. Jungkook scoffed before rolling his eyes.

"Look, I get that you're jealous tae but I cann-"

"Woah hold up. You're up here ranting about your wife to me saying that she's such a mess that made your life a mess and now you're blaming me? Why can't you just choose between me and JEONGIN goddamn it?"



"I CAN'T, I CERTAINLY CANNOT BECAUSE I LOVE BOTH OF YOU GOODMAN!!" Jungkook shouted tears pouring out from his eyes as he saw how quiet Taehyung turned. Taehyung realised that he shouldn't have said that. It was not his matter anymore. And jungkook was his son. Of course there wasn't a "we" in their life.

"I'm sorry jungkook. I know he's your son but why don't you just devorce her? And I can take care of him till you sort things out. Jeongin will love my angel too. They can be the best of friends."

"Are- are you out of your mind? Devorce? No way. He still needs his mother more than anyone else"

"I can be his father. Give us a chance jungkook. Irene will only ruin your life more."

"Wh- what!?"

Booppp beeepppp bloop

𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 / TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now