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you quickly turn off the TV and go running to get some important sheet like money, random things that are important to you, food, water, all that stuff and then you sprint like sonic to the basement, you hear really giant stepping noises, obviously its a dinosaur dumbass.

you hear it go look around the backyard and it goes away.................for sometime...

Time passes and you fall asleep, your loud ahh snoring made the dino came back, really gotta get that snoring controled dummy

you wake up to those steps again, this time you hear your front door get absolutely destroyed, you stay still as a damn mouse in fear hoping to heavens and above that it wont find you

the dinosaur smells the most slightest smell of chicken in your fridge and tries to fucking open it, of course it's small ass hands and open it and it dosent know how to because its a ligit dinosaur and yes, as expected, it broke your damn fridge and ate the chicken still in the plastic it was in, you are still hoping that it doesn't find you, the dinosaur goes and broke the window and steps on glass, it screams like Godzilla, it runs off and will never come back because it now thinks that its dangerous because it harmed itself

                        Congrats :D

you survived AND saved your dear precious things, now the only problem is............where are you gonna live?

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