parents house

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you start your car as fast as you can before the dinosaur could, (this was the fastest you've ever started ur car :3)

you drive at full speed to your parents house

they ask you whats wrong and you xplain it to them and now they're worried & theyre packing their stuff and you dont have to do anything since you already got your stuff packed before leaving

you wait for them and after packing almost everything even the spoiled milk in the freezer you guys are ready to go to somewhere idk your gonns find out pookie

you & your parents go to the airport &  they buy 3 tickets (your an only child)

you guys wait for the flight (lets just say that you were very lucky that the flight you booked was the next one) it takes a few hours and you&your parents hop on the airplane and go to UK

                        Congrats! :3

you arrive there and go stay at your cousins house for a while

your parents unpack their stuff and finds out that they brought some spoiled milk from earlier and they just threw it out the window

you basically survived with a happy ending, you can choose to stop reading this silly story or just start over again so its up to you pookie ❤️

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