
1.8K 29 6

Name: Layla Radley.
Age: 22
DOB: 02-02-02
Service Number: 72947164
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 123.6 lb
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: AB-
Race: W

Skills and Specializations:
Weapons handling, Sniper Techniques, Close Combat, Blade Combat, Stealth Training.

I stood at my usual shooting booth and waited for General Davis to blow his whistle. Glancing up to the large clock at the far end of the shooting range as it faintly flickered.

Damn... Only 10 seconds for 15 targets... at least I don't have a pistol for it...

The screech from the whistle carried over the shooting range as I heard the familiar gunshots ring out from the other recruits.

I took in a deep breath as I aimed down the sights and squeezed the trigger. The world always seemed to move in slow motion when training... Nothing else mattered.

Once all the targets were shot I set my assault rifle down and stood at a tension. The clock was still counting down.

8.2 seconds... that's my time. Shit...

A loud buzzer from the clock blared over the shooting gallery when it reached zero. I heard a faint but quick release of air come out from Lance Corporal Smith beside me... Poor bastard still had one target up...

I kept my head forward as two guards came up behind him and started dragging him away as his breathing became more frantic.

I knew what was going to happen to him, but I couldn't do anything about it. I stayed silent as another guard walked up behind me to set down my new rifle and a pistol.

The targets got set up again and our score was taken. General Davis blew the whistle once to get us ready and then again for us to start.

Target practice went on for about 5 hours before the remainder of us recruits were told to go to the scoring room.

We all walked in a straight line with me leading the way. Once we got to the door I stood at a tension and waited to be let in.

Master Sergeant Jackson opened the door and we walked in, taking a seat on our designated spots.

The projector switched on and displayed all of our scores for the day. My eyes carefully read over them.

Corporal Layla Radley.
Accuracy: 99.7%
Speed: 1.28% increase.
Please proceed to room 6.

Fuck... 30 minutes... It's still better than last time, but not perfect yet.

General Davis dismissed us and we were brought to our designated rooms by the guards. I got to the door of room six and waited to be let in.

The door creaked open as I was brought in and placed in the chair I knew all too well. I sat down silently and stared ahead as I felt the ropes slide around my wrists and ankles.

No emotion. No reaction.

The words played on loop as I waited for The General and The Scourger to come in. I sat with a blank expression and hollow eyes.

The door creaked open and I could heard the faint footsteps enter the small and dimly lit concrete room. The two men walked in front of me and I was greeted.

"Corporal Radley... Your time was especially impressive today. Don't falter now..."

"Yes Sir, General Davis." My words came out stern but affirmative as he nodded back to me and turned his attention to The Scourger.

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