breakfast then another round of two chapters

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Everyone was having their breakfast and Draco and Ron both was rubbing their ears and grumbling.

Molly and narsissa , Arthur is watching them shaking their heads at them.

Holly was talking to her dad and uncle lovegood .

" You might not like these next couple of chapters dad and uncle lovegood, you as well Luna".

" Why? Why not? Mmm?
Said regulus/Lovegood/Luna.

Regulus was looking back at her and the screen. Two more times then he got up and ran to madem pomfret.

Lily looked up see's regulus rushing, thinking that could this be him wanting to talk to her about share custody. But as she stood he pas her and continued to the teachers table.

Edward who was watching the entire thing was listening to her thoughs shake his head at her and look at holly worried.

Alice was looking in her brother and new best friend future but for some reason she couldn't see their future.
Jasper was holding her and whispering to her while sending messages to Edward to let him know that holly find as her father.

Carlisle was telling him that it was normal for a father be this worried.

Then without the vampire paying attention to what regulus was doing he slammed a box of what sounds like glass bottles and swishy in them.

Regulus look straight at Carlisle said " there's gonna be so crazy shit soon". Pardon my french, get your son to drink these if he doesn't stop freaking out".

" But water doesn't last long in us". Said Carlisle.

" No these work , and trust me you be thanking me later, just keep Edward calm". Then regulus went to every table handing out calming drad to everyone first years to seven years and professor. And even lily and her pack of idiots.

Soon all the breakfast was done and the tables was gone and everyone was sitting comfortably and full and ready for the next chapter. Regulus but his box of potions in the middle of him and Lovegood.

Chapter ten

Holly hug her dad to be prepared for what's to come.

Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that holly and Ron , albus were still at Hogwarts next day , looking tired but perfectly cheerful. Indeed , by next morning holly and Ron , albus though that meeting the three headed dog had been an excellent adventure and they were quite keen to have another one.

" No! Shouted regulus and Lily , Molly.

Edward look at holly like she's a crazy person.

In the meantime, albus filled Ron and Holly in about the package that seemed to have been moved from gringotts to Hogwarts, and they spent a lot of time wondering what could possibly need such heavy protection. " It's either really valuable or really dangerous". Said albus. " Or both". Said holly. But as all they knew for sure about the mysterious object was that it was about two inches long , they didn't have much change of guessing what it was without further clues. Neither Neville or Hermione showed the slightest interest in what lay underneath the dog and the trapdoor.

" Good". Said lily looking at the three. She sees regulus doing the same to her daughter.

All Neville cared about was never going near the dog again.

" It gave me nightmares that dog". Said Neville.

" Sorry nev". Said holly.

Hermione was now refusing to speak to holly and albus, Ron , but she was such a bossy know it all that they saw

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