holly potter and the chamber of secrets

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Lily and James got to their room . James push his son on the couch .

James and his friends Sirius and Remus sat together looking at Lily walking to one end of the room and back.

Lily after five minutes stops look at her son .

" Why did you lie?

Albus look at Sirius he says " don't look at me".

James says " answer your mother ".

Albus finally talks " I didn't want people to know ". " And I honestly thought people won't find out ".

Lily went red in the face

Two hours later.

Albus was shaking and looking at his mother terrified.

Lily taking deeps breathe's " was that the only year you lied?

Albus nodded quickly.

Lily look at James in question to see if he has something to say.

Back at the order.

Moody and the other were yelling at Dumbledore about him making a mistake. About how they been training the wrong child this whole time.

Soon Lily and James, Sirius, Remus joined.

Albus then says " we gotta train her and get her to join the fight".

" Oh splendid, that talk well go so well, we sorry we through your brother was the hero , sorry if it took us nine years for us to realise.

" Shut up snivellus! Said Sirius.

" Enough! Said Dumbledore, looking at Sirius. " Are you gonna talk to holly , lily and James.

James says " I was going to but ". We had to talk to albus First".

" First thing tomorrow, we going to thou". Lily says to reassure Dumbledore.


Next day.

Lily and James couldn't find her this whole time they woke up . Upto people started sitting down and getting ready for the next book.

Everyone can see the little green book. But couldn't see what it says. Then the Cullens and pack come in. Sitting down .

Hope everyone is ready for book 2 . One down and ten more to go. Before we start though we should have a special guests.

The first to arrive was Dobby.  The second guess to arrive was gilderoy Lockhart .

" Who are them"? Ask Emmett.

You find out soon.

Holly potter and the chamber of secrets

Emmett ask " what that".

" You see". Said Dumbledore.

The best 12 year old birthday
Chapter one

Lily was curious what holly had for her birthday.

Holly and Luna was talking about Luna first year at Hogwarts. And holly telling her everything she needs to know about it. Then hedwig come through the window for her bacon breakfast. Regulus and Lovegood taking about how now they have no more children home in a couple mouths time .
More bacon please dad". Ask holly smiling seeing how Hedwig steeling her becon.

Regulus laughs no matter how many times he made becon it always get eaten fast.

Holly been enjoying being back at home with her fam no talking of boy who lived and homework all done the first mouth of being back , holly was a witch_ witch fresh from her first year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

" Why is it talking about that for ? Ask Emmett.

Probably to catch us up and reminded of us what's happened ". Answered Jasper.

And if dad and uncle lovegood, Luna were so happy to have me back home.  Holly can't wait to see what's next for this year as well. Holly missed

" You actually miss school". Said Ron and Emmett, Fred and George.

Holly smiled answer" yes ".

Hermione said" me too".

The castle  , with its secret passageways and ghosts , her lessons and Snape lessons on potion thank Merlin he doesn't know who I am or that will change. The post arriving by owl , eating banquets in the great hall  , sleeping in her four poster bed in the tower dormitory, visiting the gamekeeper, Hagrid , in his cabin in the grounds next to the forbidden forest and , especially, quidditch, the most popular sport in the wizard World ( six tall goalposts , four flying balls and fourteen players on broomsticks).

" So cool ". Said Emmett.

All Holly's spellbooks , robes , cauldron and top of the range nimbus two thousand broomstick neatly pack away ready for this year. Regulus has holly training her up as well , her knowledge and fight skills up . And with her wand.

" But how you not surposed to used magic outside of school". Said Hermione.

" Oh dad find around that". Said holly.

Fred and George, lee rushed over to ask regulus how he did it.

Then holly sees a cards  on her empty plate she picks one up sees five presents. One from Hagrid hand made hat , Hermione chocolate frogs and books, Ron Bertie bott's every flavour beans, albus and boy who lived sign photos and invite to his 12 th birthday party. Holly open her envelope with a salon for two and a box with practice bras , regulus said for later . Holly look at regulus. " After breakfast you get a all day spa and hair and Neil day". " And don't worry I be there". Uncle lovegood says " watch out for the single mums".

All the girls feeling jealous. They can't even get there dad's to step foot in one.

Holly and Luna got to the salon it was the best day of relaxing and getting all doll at. Luna for her Neil's got like blue Neil polish and holly got lime green Neil's.  And their heir light pink highlights. And poor regulus getting attention from mums and the staff. Never seen him so excited to leave the place. Then once nighttime came holly was all ready for bed walking into her room . There's was something one the bed.

" What is it! Shouted Molly. As the screen change to a different chapter.

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