Childhood/Teenage headcanons cuz I'm bored 📝

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(lemme know if you have any requests ^^ )


-Used to have a white dog as a kid

-He had a dream of surpassing Eminem

-His grandma is the only one who supported him 

-Knew DeeJay since 4th grade

-Deejay was his only friend until 10th grade

-He started living with his grandma in highschool

-Hated Math as a kid (and every other subject)

-His grades were so bad he BARELY graduated highschool

-Used to be bullied in elementary school and now he defences other kids from being bullied

-Likes to bully his friends (as a joke)

-Is not afraid to yell back at the teacher

-Gets detention every 5 minutes

-Defended a blonde kid from being bullied and now he's his new friend

-Yells at Benatar to fight back

-Also bullies Ben

-"the fuck is an aubergine?"

-Despite his constant bullying to Ben and Jay he loves them but will never admit it

-"I'm not bi ! I'm as straight as fuck!"

-Is bi

-Starts fights in hallways

-Records all the fights and posts them on social media

-Hated Benatar's mother (still do)

-Has the biggest crush on Tig

-Probably never opened a book

-"Hey Jay , can I get one N-word pass ? please 🥺"

-Hated his name

-Listens to rap music all the time

-Accidentally called a teacher an asshole out loud

-Has a love/hate relationship with the music teacher


-Is both jealous and proud of Ben's multi talents

-Slaps Benatar SO HARD when he says that he has no talent



-Has a huge ass family

-Has 4 siblings ( is middle child )

-Acts like an older brother

-Doesn't like pets ( or animals in general )

-He loved Geography as a kid

-Knew Puff in 4th grade and decided to stay with him because he looked lonely

-Music is his escape from his problems

-Unlike Puff , has no big dreams

-His grades weren't bad , but weren't good

-Gives the teacher the "I don't give a fuck" look when they yell at him

-He's one of few people that understands Puff's love language

-"Aubergine means eggplant"

-Also the only one in the trio that has a brain

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