2nd September 1992: Chapter 4

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There were still a lot of students making their way into the great hall for lunch by the time Venus got there and casually dropped herself into the seat beside George. She got a few odd looks from some of the other Gryffindors but that was about it. Her eyebrows rose as she watched Ron wrap several layers of tape around the middle of his wand which was heavily bent in one direction.

"What happened to Rons wand?"

She asked George who was more focused on his lunch than whatever his little brother was doing.

"He had a run in with a whomping willow"

He stated nonchalantly, barely even looking up from his plate of food. Venus nodded in an 'alrighty then' kind of way before serving herself her own lunch. She was in the middle of putting some food on her plate when a very loud voice made her jump.


She looked up to see an envelope floating in the air in front of the ginger to which her immediate thoughts were;

'ah crap a howler'

followed by;

'Ron done fucked up didn't he'


By this point, pretty much everyone in the great hall was silent and staring at the Gryffindor table and listening to the howler that was obviously from Rons mother. She sounded pissed.

The hall was silent for a few moments after the letter had ripped itself up. Venus was the first to speak.

"You stole a car? That's badass Weasley"

That caused the twins to snort a laugh which broke the tension and lightened the mood enough for people to resume their conversations.

Venus glanced over to the Slytherin table. With the howler drawing attention, it seemed to give the opportunity for people to notice that she was sitting there, specifically one Slytherin with a particular hatred for all Gryffindors, that was currently glaring at her from across the room. She only responded by shooting Draco a bright smile and a wave.

"He is pissed"

She said through laughs, causing the twins, Hermione and Neville to lean towards her to see where she was looking. With four Gryffindors, two on either side of her now also looking at him, Draco turned his head, scowling as he said something to Goyle.


To say Venus was not looking forward to her next class would be an understatement. Yes, she absolutely loved Defence Against the Dark Arts, it was her favourite subject right next to potions. However, it was being taught by Gilderoy Lockhart, and he was a wizard that she could not stand. Hermione and the other female students sure looked excited for the class though.


Cornish pixies. That absolute pompous, privileged, moronic prick set a swarm of freshly caught Cornish pixies loose in the class and then.



What an asshole.

Venus's last two classes for the day were Astronomy and History of Magic and honestly, it was so boring that she almost fell asleep. To her credit, she did not fall asleep, but it got real close during her History of Magic class. Her eyes had almost fully closed when a scrunched up ball of parchment hit her right in the side of the head. She still had no idea where that parchment came from.

When it came to dinner time and Venus took her usual seat next to Draco, he was still scowling, first down at his food but he did lift his head to glare at the witch as she sat down.

"Why are you pouting?"

She asked as she piled some roast beef, pumpkin and salad onto her plate.

"I'm not pouting"

He growled, shoving at least half of a baked potato into his mouth. Venus rolled her eyes while taking a sip of her pumpkin juice. She waited until he swallowed his potato to speak again.

"Yeahhh you are. That thing you're doing with your face there-"

She reached out and gently poked the tip of her finger into his cheek, causing his glare to snap back to her.

"-that's called pouting."

Dracos 'minions' were to busy stuffing their faces to be listening or really paying attention at all to what they were doing. Malfoy just continued to glare at her while cutting up some of the food on his plate.

"Ohhh. Are you still upset that I was sitting with the Gryffindors at lunch?"

Instead of answering her question when he swallowed the mouthful of lamb he had taken a bite of, he countered by asking a completely different question of his own.

"Enjoy your little nap in History did you?"

He asked in a snarky tone, moving to pour some water into his goblet and taking a sip. Of course it was him. Far be it for Draco Malfoy, who was literally sitting right behind her to just nudge her awake.

"Did you really need to throw paper at me?"

The glare and 'pout' were now gone from his face, now replaced with his usual look of superiority.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Venus just gave a disbelieving hum before returning to her food. They didn't talk to each other through the rest of dinner until Venus got up to leave, giving a cheery;


before wandering out of the great hall and back to the Slytherin common room.

The raven haired witch only went up to her room for a few minutes to retrieve a book before returning to the common room and curling into a comfortable position in the corner of one of the couches. Students were coming back from dinner, most of them going straight up to their dorms or staying in the common room to read, study or chat.

"How's your head?"

Venus looked up to see Draco standing over her, unusually, Crabbe and Goyle nowhere to be seen. The witch offered a small tired smile up to the Malfoy before answering.

"Better. Thank you."

He clearly didn't want to stick around to talk because after she answered, she nodded and went straight up to his room.

This was going to be an interesting school year.

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