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A new mother was given her child, the father sat next to her as they both looked at their new child with a look of happiness and pride as they sat there.

The door to the hospital room opened as a beautiful woman with yellow skin and vibrant purple hair that was tied into a neat half bun. She walked closer to the happy family. She looked down at the child, smiling widely.

The mother handed the woman the child, the child opened their eyes and looked up at the yellow woman causing her to smile even wider as she held the child carefully in her arms.

"Welcome to the world, my dear Y/n." She said warmly.

With a small wave of her hand, she created a small, silicone rattle with that shape of a pigs snout on the end of it, giving it to the kid.

She walked over to the nearby window and opened the curtains, revealing the outside to the newborn.

"And this is your new home. The Oasis." The child cluelessly looks out to the town, filled with state of the art machinery and automated farming, alongside homes and other buildings. Surrounding the town was a wall with impressive defenses that protects everyone inside from everything outside, and beyond that, forests.

The yellow woman walked away from the window, looking back down at the child.

"And me. I am your leader, call me Xara." She introduced herself before handing the mother back to her child.

"Congratulations you two, I'd expect great things to come from your child." Xara bowed before walking back out of the room.

6 years later

It was a warm sunny day, you snuck outside of the wall again instead of being in school. Roaming the tall grasses of the forest, you chased butterflies and scared squirrels up trees before trying to climb after them before repeatedly falling back down on your bum.

Giving up, you wandered around more, picking up different sticks and using each of them as fake swords. You've seen swords but they were never being used, unless it was to skin the soft hide off of cows and use it to make clothes or blankets, but other than that, it was never used for combat, you never knew why.

You found another stick that looked perfect, you tossed the other one behind you into some bushes, earning a small cry coming from behind the bush.

You poked your head around it to see an uncomfortably small pig, curled up on the ground. It was obvious that it wasn't in good shape, you scooped it up and hurried back to the Oasis, wanting to get this piggy some food and milk.

On your way back, you tripped over something that caused you to faceplant into the dirt. You sat up, making sure the pig was still okay before you looked at what you tripped on. It was an old overgrown railroad track, it was barely ever used other than sending off people who try to rebel against Xara, they lock them in cuffs and send them off on this track but you never know where they get sent.

Shaking off the dirt, you hurried off and ran back to the safety within the walls of the Oasis.

You snuck around the busy streets and made your way to the back of the mule stables, where they keep the horse and donkey. You noticed that both the donkey and the horse weren't looking too good, you wish you could do something about it. Maybe you could be an animal caretaker when you graduate, if you graduate, knowing how many times you ditched school, there was doubt that you might not graduate on time.

You walked to the back and grabbed a bottle of milk that they use to feed the newborn mules and fed it to the piggy in your arms, which accepted it eagerly.

You heard the sounds of many footsteps approaching, you panicked, thinking that someone noticed you went in there and you were in trouble. You hid in one of the empty stables and sat in the corner as you saw shadows of multiple people filtering into the quiet room.

"See ma'am, the horse and the donkey are in terrible shape, I don't think they could make another mule." Said one voice.

"Indeed, I believe it's time to put these two down. It seems like it's their time anyways." Said another, so they weren't looking for you, they were talking about the conditions of the horse and the donkey. Those poor things.

"Then send a messenger to Fred's keep, asking him for a new horse and donkey. Maybe apples, we have enough for swiftness potions and we have enough gold for golden apples." You heard Xara's voice.

"But- ma'am. We need enchanted golden apples to make the super mules, and we can't make enchanted golden apples." Said the first voice.

There was silence after that, then there was a long sigh.

"Ready two mules." Xara started ordering them as they began to walk out of the stables. "Tell the chemists to make more swiftness potions and call the butchers to get rid of these."

Once they were gone, you emerged from your hiding spot in the back of the stables, quickly yet quietly getting out of there.

The sun was setting and you needed to get home as quickly as you could, but caught a glimpse of Xara sending off the messengers with mules strapped with saddles and backpacks.

One of the riders rode off out of the gates and to the right, disappearing into the forest on the inhumanly fast steed. The other was hesitant, stiff as he rode his mule out the gates but heading the opposite direction. You don't know why they were so scared to go that way, but you didn't mind it and turned your attention to going back home.

Turning around, you nearly ran into a pair of legs. Looking up, you see none other than Xara's neon magenta eyes staring back down at you.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Little Y/n sneaking around again?" She tilted her head down to the sleeping pig in your arms. "And you made a friend?"

You smiled up at her innocently, pretending that you did absolutely nothing wrong.

"I heard you ditched school again." Crap.

"Ms. Xara, I'm sorry I-" you stopped talking once Xara raised her hand, cutting you off. She was thinking about what to say but noticing the dire situation that the pig is in, she sighed before speaking again.

"You know what, let's make a deal." She crouched to your eye level. "How about, if you stop missing school, then I'll have our animal keepers nurse your piggy back to health, and you can have it."

You beamed, nodding your head as you handed Xara the pig.

"I promise, Ms. Xara. I promise to stay in school." She smiled at your promise, gently holding the piggy as if it were a toddler.

"Well then, hurry off home now. I'll make sure this little one gets better." She said, shooing you off as you ran home.

1202 words

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