The best is yet to come

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It has been 3 months since Sokovia, since Pietro died. Wanda hasn't came out of her room once. Natasha has been leaving food for her. After a while, Natasha started eating in her room with Wanda to try to make her feel like she's not alone. 

It's been hard for Wanda over the past few months. She's alone in a new country with new people and without the person she loves the most. She's barely slept as the nightmares are too much to bare. At first she didn't eat, that's when Natasha started to eat with her. Over time Wanda started to become comfortable around the other woman but was still perplexed for why Natasha, who she hurt the most, trusts her the most. Occasionally, Natasha would say something funny or stupid enough that would make Wanda laugh, occasionally.

Wanda is very thankful to Natasha for welcoming her with open arms despite the monster she really is. She asked her why and she replied with, "I don't judge people on their worst mistakes, that would make me a hypocrite." 

Over time, Natasha started to open up more too. When Wanda would talk about her time at HYDRA, she could relate to most of it (besides the powers). In return, Natasha would sometimes talk about the Red Room. It helped Wanda to know that she isn't the only one who doesn't fit in at the compound or who feels like America is alien. Natasha still isn't used to some of the things they do here.

On the fourth month, Wanda agreed to trying to leave her room for a while - though she didn't want to. She was afraid the others would stare at her or make mean comments, that they hate her. Since her parents died, her and Pietro were always made fun of and could hear children snickering in the school halls. Wanda knew they wouldn't be doing that if they knew what it was like to have parents one minute and the next they're gone. She's always been able to see things from other peoples point-of-view, sometimes that just made it hurt more.

As predicted, everyone stared at her. That is until Natasha gave them a death stare. They don't understand either. They never will. She's seen and done things that no one else has, but so has Natasha. 

They have grown even closer and that seems to be in an upward trajectory. Natasha told Wanda about the first time she was made to kill someone. It was a teenaged boy with a bag over his head who seemed to have been kidnapped on his way to or from school. 

Another month had passed, Steve spoke to Natasha and decided it might be a good time for Wanda to start training. At first Wanda was against it, she doesn't want to use her powers to hurt people and that's what they would train her to do, but after Natasha explained it was to help her control her powers and find new ways to use it instead of manipulating people's minds and shooting energy from her hands, the brunette agreed. Natasha was going to train with her as she trusts her the most.

In training, Wanda learnt to use her powers to levitate people and objects higher than she could before; lift heavier objects and fly. They also decided it would be a good idea for Natasha to teach her some hand-to-hand combat in case Wanda's ever in a situation where she can't use her powers. One day, Wanda walked in on the redhead doing ballet and she was mesmerized. As soon as Natasha saw her, she stopped and smirked, "Like what you see?" Wanda started to blush and failed at hiding it by putting her water on the bench. While sparring, Natasha would steal some glances at the younger woman claiming she was looking at her form. At first Wanda believed her, but as she did it so often, that soon faded.

As the sixth month arrived, Wanda started to plateau. She stayed in her room more often, missed meals and her nightmares got worse. At first there wasn't a massive difference between the progress she had made and how she was behaving now so no one noticed. But it only got worse and worse. After a week Natasha detected what was going on, it was inevitable. When she asked Wanda if she was okay, she started to apologise, but Natasha stopped her. She said, "Wands, it's okay, it happens. It's not your fault, it's no one's fault..." She scanned around the room and saw Wanda's guitar. Natasha glanced at Wanda before picking it up and started to play.

"There's nothing you could tell me
That would make me walk away
'Cause in my eyes your perfect
And there's nothing I would change
I've seen you on your best days
And I'll see you on your worst, my love

And I know sometimes it feels just like the world is endin'
Those days where nothing seems to go your way
Well, with me, you really don't have to pretend that
It's all okay, if you're not okay

'Cause I know the last few years
Have been a test of character
Remind ourselves on darker days
The best is yet to come
In life, I've made a few mistakes
But you were never one, my love

And I know sometimes it feels just like the world is endin'
Those days where nothing seems to go your way
Well, with me, you really don't have to pretend that
It's all okay, if you're not okay

I'll be here if you need love, if you need strength
Forever by your side until the end
With me, you really don't have to pretend
It's all okay, if you're not okay

'Cause I know sometimes it feels just like the world is endin'
Those days where nothing seems to go your way
Well, with me, you really don't have to pretend that
It's all okay, if you're not okay

I'll be there, my love
I'll be there, my love
I'll be there, my love"

When Natasha had finished, Wanda launched herself into her arms and broke down. "Sorry... thank you." she sniffled. "I told you, you don't need to apologise." Wanda was about to apologise again but stopped herself. "How do you always know what to do?" she asked instead. "I do what I think the other person needs." Natasha explained. "But what about what you need?" she questioned. "What do you mean?" she replied with another question, slightly confused. "You do what someone else needs, but what about you? What do you do when you need something?" That made her think. She's never thought about that before. Natasha often doesn't do what she needs until everyone else is okay. "I make sure everyone is okay, then I do what I need." Wanda stared at her with a knowing look. "You mean attack a punch bag until your knuckles split or do ballet until your feet bleed?" she inquired, unimpressed. "Yep," Natasha chuckled.

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