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Wanda's POV

The bright sunlight blinds me as I slowly open my eyes. I must have forgotten to close the curtains. Lying in bed, I think about what to do or should I say not do today. After a few minutes I remember... it's my birthday. I dread this day. I have ever since Pietro died. No one knows when my birthday is at least, not even Natasha.

After a few hours of lying in bed with no intention of doing anything else, I decide to get up. I get dressed and make my way to the living area. As I get closer, the sound of laughter reaches my ears. "What's so funny?" I ask as I come into view. Natasha is smirking with a mug in her hand and Steve looks annoyed. 

"Nat's making fun of Steve," Sam answered and took a sip of what I presume is coffee. I nod and put some bread into the toaster (not Vision). After I got butter and a knife, it dings meaning my toast is ready.

"See, even Wanda can make toast without burning it," Nat jokes. "She put it on the same settings as you so how do you manage to burn it every time?" This time, Steve laughs too while Sam is choking on his coffee. When I finish buttering my toast, I sit at the island next to Nat. Normally I would join in with the conversation but I don't feel like it today.

"Red, what did you do to Sam?" Tony walks in.

She scoffs, "Why do you always presume it was me?"

"Was it?" Tony asks with a knowing look.

"That's besides the point." He chuckles. They continue talking while I sluggishly eat my toast, not paying attention. Nat looks at me from time to time. I think she's starting to notice somethings wrong. She puts her hand on my leg to try to help me without the boys noticing. When I finish my breakfast, I put the plate in the dishwasher and head back to my room. While I'm walking I contemplate whether I should watch tv or just lie in bed. I decide on lying in bed as I don't see the point in doing anything else. 

I don't know how long it's been but there is a knock at my door. I tell the person on the other side to come in. The door opens, revealing Natasha. After closing the door, she walks over to my bed and lies down next to me, staring at the ceiling. We stay like that for a while until she breaks the comfortable silence. "Are you okay?" she asks, concern shines through her eyes. I nod and we both know I'm lying but she doesn't say anything. "You missed training," she states. I know she doesn't mean anything by it, she's just simply telling me.

"Sorry, I lost track of time," I reply. She turns on her side and studies my face.

"What's wrong?" she asks, the concern painted on her face never shifting.

I shake my head, "Nothing." 

Natasha just stares at me, "We both know that's not true... I can't help unless you tell me what's bothering you." Patiently, she lies next to me and rubs circles on the back of my hand.

"It's my birthday," Sighing, I finally tell her after a few minutes. Immediately understanding, she hugs me, not letting go.

"I know you miss him. As annoying as he was, I miss him too," Nat admits. I look at her and she nods. "I know I didn't know him for long but he was a good man and very clearly cared about you... I've never seen anyone care for someone as much as he did for you." A tear rolls down my cheek and she's quick to wipe it away.

"I miss him so much," more tears flow down my face as I bury my head in Natasha's neck.

"I know, I know you do. He would be so proud of how far you've come," she tries to comfort me. "I don't understand what your going through and I probably never will but I'm always here whenever you need me. It doesn't matter if it's 3 o'clock in the morning, I don't care. All I care about is that you're okay." I hold onto her tighter, never wanting her to let go. "Happy birthday."

Wandanat/Scarlizzie one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now