Them getting jealous over you

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~ Chris ~
He doesn't really like if someone else spends much time with you, he won't say a thing being the gentleman he is, but if the person gets clingy or flirty towards you... oh hell no. Inner yandere has been unleashed, just one more compliment or a wrong look from the person and you can prepare their grave.

~ Slurpee ~
Maybe she's a bit too obsessed with you, but she won't let anybody get close to you, nope not even your friends. And if someone still manages to talk to you or flirt with you she'll politely tell them to fuck off cause you're hers and ONLY hers. That may be a little bit annoying from time to time, but her argument "I just love you so much, sharing you with others is out of the question!", still makes you smile.

~ Cakey ~
If you meet with others she accepts it of course, but secretly she's scared that you don't like her anymore and fall in love with someone else, so when she sees someone flirting with you or giving you too much attention she'll simply walk over to you, take your hand in hers and stare at the person with a look that says: "Get lost, they're already taken"

~ Kennith ~
You, spending your time with a person that isn't him?! No way! Without you he has nobody, so he won't let anyone steal you from him. Every time he sees someone showing a bit too much interest in you he'll drag you away from them, and when you ask him why for fuck's sake he always does that he'll respond a bit annoyed: "Uh, 'cuz I can't let one of these fuckers steal you away from me, duh."

~ Nana ~
Gets jealous super easily, she gets annoyed whenever someone compliments you or flirts with you, but of course she'd never admit it. When you ask her if she's possibly jealous she'll blush and say that she simply doesn't like these people, which would mean that she doesn't like almost everyone who talks to you.

~ Hyper ~
When she sees that you're spending much time with someone else she's rather sad than mad, and she's afraid that this person could possibly win you over, but she doesn't make a scene. Instead she simply tells you how much she loves you like every day, just so you don't forget that when you meet with others.

~ Novo ~
Even though he's pretty confident that you won't leave him for someone else he never lets down his guard. Someone in the waiting room looks at you the wrong way? That person should get prepared for a pretty painful treatment.

~ Tamari ~
Doesn't know how it's like to be jealous, but what they do know for sure is that they don't like if other persons show much interest in you or laugh at your jokes or randomly take your hand or something like that. Oh no, they don't like that all, so whenever something like that happens they'll rush over to you and the person and throw themself around your neck while shouting happily: "There you are (Y/N), I've missed you sooo much! You know, cause you're my partner, my lover, my soulmate..." At that sentence they look at the person with a grin, they've made it clear that you're taken.

~ Mariyam ~
She doesn't get jealous that easily, she knows that you love her and so she thinks it's absolutely fine if you meet with others. Only if someone makes it really obvious that they got a thing for you she'll stalk them to make sure they don't go anywhere where you go.

~ Stephanie ~
She's also pretty chill about you meeting with others, you have a right to privacy after all. Even if someone flirts with you she stays calm.. okay actually she's pretty pissed, but she's sure you won't fall for a random dumbass that hits on you like that. But if she sees that this person makes you feel uncomfortable she won't hesitate to take your hand while kindly telling them: "Listen here, since you are so good at flirting, why don't you leave my partner alone and go flirt with someone else instead?"

~ Norman ~
He also doesn't give a frick about you meeting with others, as long as it are only your friends everything is totally fine, and even if someone flirts with you once or twice he stays calm. But if that person makes really cringy remarks about you and he sees that they make you feel uncomfortable he'll appear behind them and give them a death-stare, so when they turn around they'll be scared as hell and leave immediately. Afterwards he'll shake his head slightly and mumble: "Seems like I should really be more careful. Of course I know you're gorgeous, but I didn't know that others are trying to steal you away from me because of that..."

~ Charon ~
He never ever gets jealous, simply for the reason that whenever someone flirts with you or shows much interest in you he'll spawn next to them and almost makes them have a heart attack. "Wow look how fast they can run!", he always says with an amused smile while watching them flee.

~ Adres ~
No, no, NO, flirting with you or checking you out in any way is a death sentence in their presence. Anyone who still dares to do so will mysteriously disappear without a trace and never be seen again. Rip all these mindless flirty jerks💀🪦

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