Stephanie x Reader - A fateful night (Part 2)

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⚠️Angst, suicide, blood, smoking⚠️

Still flashback
Suddenly, the loud ringing of the doorbell below the stairs sounded out and Kennith got up to see who was at the door. "Ah, it's you.", I heard him greet the person and shortly afterwards he came back upstairs with them. "(Y/N), this is Evelynn. We met a few days ago.", Kennith introduced me to the person, who turned out to be a short girl with messy black hair and green eyes.

She eyed me curiously and smiled broadly at me, a smile that I personally wouldn't trust. It seemed far too fake for that. "Oh Kenni, you didn't tell me that you already had another visitor!", the black-haired girl said and I felt as if I heard a hint of reproach in her voice. "Yeah 'cuz I didn't expect ya to show up here today. But anyway, I assume you're here for.. this thing?", Kennith asked, already putting a new cigarette in the corner of his mouth, to which this Evelynn nodded in confirmation. "Good. Well, (Y/N), it was nice talkin' to you and all that, but I've got somethin' important to do now. So if ya don't mind, I'd like ya to leave now, aight?"

I stared at him with raised eyebrows, perplexed that he just threw me out like that. "Okay, I can tell I'm not wanted. If your new friend is suddenly more important to you than your old ones, there's nothing I can do about it.", I said coolly as I stood up to leave the room, when Evelynn spoke up again. "Wow, you catch on quickly! It's true, Kennith and I have become really good friends in such a short time already, haven't we Kenni?", she asked, putting an arm around the pink-haired boy's shoulders, who simply nodded with an absent look and tried to light his cigarette at the same time.

I gave him one last look as he stood there, with what probably was his tenth cigarette of the day and this strange girl who still clung to him like they were lifelong besties. Well, if that was the person he wanted to be, it was fine with me. He had made it clear that he wanted nothing more to do with me or Stephanie, so I couldn't care less about what he did now. "Take care Kennith.", I said goodbye in a monotone voice and left his room shortly afterwards before he could answer anything.

"Alright, time to work on the project! I'm telling you, it's going to be an absolute blast!", I heard Evelynn say excitedly as I walked down the staircase and towards the front door, to which Kennith only uttered a slightly quieter "Hmm-hm." I didn't hear what this mysterious project was about, because at that time I had already stepped out of the house and pulled the door shut behind me.

– – – – –

"H-hey (Y/N)?", Stephanie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at her questioningly, but she kept her head down and didn't return my gaze. "Yes Steph?" "I-I'm scared... What if Kennith only did this brainwashing thing because of the fight? What if it was my fault?? What if-" But I interrupted her flow of words by hugging the blonde and quietly assuring her: "No Steph, it's not your fault. Maybe Kennith really has lost his mind, otherwise I couldn't explain why he pulled that stunt. It's definitely not just because of your argument, that's no reason to brainwash an entire nation after all."

"A-are you sure?", Stephanie asked insecure and I released the hug so that I could look into her blue eyes. "Yes, I am sure.", I replied with a small smile and gently stroked her cheek with my thumb to wipe away the tears that had appeared there by now. This made the girl blush a little and she looked down at the ground in flattery, which made me smile. Somehow we both knew that there was only one thing missing to make this moment perfect, but neither of us really dared to say anything.

"Uhmm.. well I uhh-", I finally started to speak, but I was interrupted by a loud noise. It sounded like.. a shot from a gun. I flinched, which also startled the blonde, and she immediately wanted to know what was going on. When I told her, she stared at me in shock, just as I did at her, and shortly afterwards we both ran off as if on cue, in the direction from which the sound had come.

"It must have been here...", I mumbled and pointed to a house painted light blue, whereupon Steph and I nodded to each other and quietly snuck around the house to look inside through one of the windows on the first floor. However, when we realized what had happened inside, we both gasped in horror. In the room, which was presumably the living room of the house, not a single lamp was lit, the only source of light was the old tube TV on which a strange video of bright neon colors was playing. Just looking at it gave me a headache.

But these were quickly forgotten as I caught sight of the occupant of the house lying on the floor in front of the television. As already mentioned, it was quite dark in the room, so I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, but what I could see all the better was the gun lying next to the person and the large pool of blood surrounding them. That had clearly not been a simple accident, but... suicide.

Stephanie turned even paler than she already was and put both hands over her mouth, either in shock or to prevent herself from vomiting. I too had become quite nauseous at the sight of the dead body and I turned away from the window to crouch beside Steph, who had collapsed in front of the house, and I put a hand on her back for mental support. For a moment neither of us said anything, all that could be heard were Stephanie's desperate sobs, and I just stroked her back until she calmed down a little.

"N-no... this just can't be true...", the girl whispered in a trembling voice and I looked at her, slightly confused. "What.. can't be true?" "ALL OF THIS!! I JUST DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE THAT IT'S REALLY KENNITH WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS! THIS.. THIS JUST CAN'T BE TRUE!!", Stephanie suddenly shouted with desperation in her voice and I winced slightly. "Please (Y/N).. tell me this isn't really happening... Please tell me it's not Kennith's fault...", she begged me after another brief moment of silence and when I looked into her teary blue eyes, I felt like crying too.

But then a thought suddenly occurred to me and I assured Stephanie with a convinced voice: "No Steph, I don't think Kennith is the only one involved in this. I think it's more likely that someone else persuaded him to do it..." The blonde girl looked at me in confusion, but before I could tell her about my last meeting with Kennith and this Evelynn, my phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. I quickly looked at the display and my eyes widened at the same moment. "A text from Kennith!", I told Stephanie excitedly, holding my phone between us so we could read the message at the same time.

'To (Y/N) and Stephanie if you are not yet hypnotized or dead: Are you enjoying yourselves so far? I do hope so, because this is all thanks to you. If you had taken your heads out of the clouds at least once and not always had been preoccupied with yourselves, you might have realized that I'm not as okay as you always assumed. You never understood that I needed your help, and now it's too late. I'll make the whole country shut down at once, including myself, and that's all your fault. That's all I have to say to you... Oh wait, one more thing. Thank you for being my friends. Not the best towards the end, but that doesn't matter now anyway. So, since we'll probably never see each other again, this is my last farewell.
P.S. I really didn't want it to come this way. I'm sorry.
- Kennith'

"His last farewell?! Does that mean...", Stephanie started with a shocked look on her face, and I thought exactly the same as her. "No...", I thought and jumped up, which made Stephanie flinch slightly. "No Steph, we can't let that happen! Even if we've never really been there for Kennith, we can be there for him now! Maybe it's not too late!" Although the girl couldn't hear the determination in my voice, she could see it all the better in my eyes, and she knew just as well as I did that giving up was not an option. Not now, when Kennith needed us more than ever before. So Stephanie nodded resolutely and I held out my hand to pull her to her feet, and soon we were running together as fast as we could to the Simmons family house...

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