The Rest of 2020 and a Sweet Memory

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Things quickly got back to normal between us. It seemed it was just a bump in the road, though sometimes I would feel insecure and ask him if he loved me or make jokes about the time he said he didn't. That was kind of a jerk way to make myself feel better, because he was genuinely upset with himself when I made the jokes or asked him about it at random moments. 

I wanted reassurance, but it wasn't kind of me to get it like that. We moved past it after a while.

The following months were as normal as things could be for us during the pandemic. We still loved hanging out and doing casual things. I did a summer semester and he was working at that part-time job. I would go up and visit sometimes, because I loved the food at the restaurant.

I think the only major issue we had at this time was that he never wanted to come to my house. I understood that it wasn't as comfortable as being at his place, and my parents were a lot more strict than his. Sometimes though, I just wanted to be at my house because I was ALWAYS driving to his place.

Fast forward to the fall, I was still in school and he was still working. My birthday came up and I didn't really want anything except spend time with him. He didn't want to go out anywhere either, because lots of things were still closed or only partially open because of the pandemic.

On my birthday, he was really sweet and kind, though. This was probably the most special and thoughtful thing he ever did for me.

My birthday was on a weekday, so for the first part of the day I did school, but then he came over to my house in the late afternoon. I opened the door and he had a bouquet of roses and food from a restaurant we liked in hand. He set those things down inside and went back out to his car. I worked on putting the flowers in a vase in the meantime.

He then brought in a cake with the candles already lit and had me blow them out. It was an entire coconut cake from his job, and mind you, they have the best coconut cake ever and it wasn't exactly cheap either.

It meant a lot to me that he still made an effort to make things special, even though we were just at home and I didn't ask for anything.

See. I'm truly not that hard to please, lmao. Flowers, food, and cake can make a girl happy.

We ate and watched an anime together. (I feel like I've said a thousand times that we watched anime together, but he was really into it lol.) Then, he let me do his makeup. After that, we did run into town to get sushi and a bottle of sparkling wine from a grocery store (because this was my 21st birthday and my first time drinking alcohol). We went to the top of a parking garage that had a nice view of the town to eat the sushi and drink a small glass of wine.

That day was really special to me not only because he did those nice things, but also because I never celebrate my birthday and I had never received flowers from anyone before.

At the time I'm writing this, I still have yet to receive flowers from any man since then. Maybe chivalry is dead? Smh.

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