''everything's okay, i promise...''

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My boyfriend Sam has gotten himself involved in some very serious life or death situations lately. I can't help but get anxious about his whereabouts at times. I hadn't seen him in a few hours. My mind turned to the worst. It caused my anxiety to play up. I cried for a bit, I faintly heard the jingling of keys over my violent sobbing, which was slowly but surely turning into an anxiety attack. I sat behind the kitchen counter hugging my knees, crying and hyperventilating.

"Evie, I'm home!" Sam chirped with a smile. "Hellooooo?" He called. I sobbed a little, "Oh.. I get it. You're hiding from me. A big surprise awaits, am I right? I heard you giggle, Evie." Sam chuckled. He then walked behind the kitchen counter, because that's where he heard the 'giggle'. He found me in the state, "Shit, I-!" He spoke in scrambled speech before rushing to my aid. "Hey, hey... Evie.. look at me, look at me, darling." Sam spoke, he was now squatted down in front of me his hand on my back. I looked up at him, still violently crying and shaking. 

He started trying to shush me, he held onto my tightly, stroking the side of my head with his full hand as I listened to his heart beat. I continued sobbing violently into his green jumper. "I'm here, I'm here, don't worry..." Sam's voice was risen a few octaves, as if he was talking to an upset child. He started rocking me backwards and forwards.

 "Everything's okay, I promise..." He kissed my temple, and continued to rock me. "Everything's okay now.... I'm here." He spoke softly. Hearing his voice was what I needed.  I sat up off of Sam's chest, looking at him, my ears bloodshot red, my face drenched from the tears. I reached my hand towards his face, touching it, tracing his facial features. I was in disbelief that he was actually with me. I thought something terrible had happened, judging by how long he'd been gone. 

"Are you feeling alright? You gave me a fright, sweetie." Sam spoke again, his voice still risen a few octaves. "...I thought you'd died..." My voice cracked. My eyes started welling up with tears all over again. The thought of losing Sam was a terrible thought to say the least. "Hey, hey... Shh..." He stopped me from crying. "I'm here, aren't I?" Sam asked, a smile on his face. I missed that smile way too much. He rolled his sleeves down and wiped my face with them. "Evie... I wouldn't die without making sure that you were by my side first." Sam smiled. I snuggled back into Sam's chest. He eventually rocked me to sleep. He carried me to the sofa and covered me in a blanket. He decided to snuggle with me too.


"everything's okay, i promise..." (SAM PINKETT X ME) (FLUFF)Where stories live. Discover now