Ch 3 hurt

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Next day

It's been a month jk is with you as your bodyguard and you also started developing feelings towards him.he also started liking you but he I ignoring it and thinks it not right bcz his heart belongs to his little yn.

You were with jungkook.

Jk:no yn I am not doing this.

Yn:pls jungkook.(puppy eyes)

Jk:you'll not listen(huff)

Yn:no pls🥺.

Jk:ok but pls don't look at me like that.
(Whisper) it made my heart beat faster.

Yn:you said something.

Jk:nothing just get ready ok.

Yn:yah I'm going.(you hugged him and left)

Jk:(chuckling) this girl is something.

At night

Jungkook is outside your room you were getting came outside.

Yn:how I'm looking?(smile)

He look towards you top to bottom.

Jk in mind :wow she's so beautiful and gorgeous.


Yn:only good(pout)

Jk:you want to go or not.

Yn:let's go

You both sat in car and arrive at a club.its your friends birthday party went in jk also followed hugged her.

Yn:happy birthday!

Sara:thanks let's go I'm going to cut the cake.


She cut the cake and you celebrate her all were playing games and dancing you also ask jk to join but he refused.

After sometime

Sara came holding you.

Sara:pls pls take her home she drank a lot and now she is uncontrolable.

Yn:watt~~are you saying I just take a little sip.(drunk)

Sara give you to jungkook.

Jk:ok we are leaving.

Yn:junglebook is that you cold ice berg.

He was shocked when you called him that. He make you sit on both reached home in the ride you were troubling him.He take you in your room.

Yn:jungkook baby I love you so much.

jk:(shock) yn you're drunk just sleep.

He laid you on bed and was trying to go but you hold his hand and pulled him now he is on top of you.

Yn:no I really love you so want me to prove.

You kissed him he try to resist you but failed and started kissing you back.You kiss were passionate.

Suddenly your are moving he look towards you you slept.

Jk:wht are you doing to me yn you kiss made me so needy.

He get up from you and covered you with blanket and left.

Next day

You woke up suddenly you remember wht happened last night.

Yn:ohh shit I kissed him.well i started loving him but still.

You got up from bed.From the morning he is behaving weird like when he came first time try to talk to him but he always say hes busy.

In night.

You saw him standing on balcony of his approach him.


Jk:you here didn't you sleep get?(cold)

Yn:no I want to ask about yesterday night.
Wht happened tomorrow.

Jk:nothing you were just drunk and I take you to your room.

Yn:are you telling truth.


Yn:why are you living I know we kissed.

Jk:if you know then why are you asking.

Yn:does that kiss means something to you.

Jk:no why would it.

Yn:but for me it does jk bcz I love you yes I love you.(confessed)

Jk:sorry but I don't. (Straightly)

Yn:the kiss we shared meant nothing to you?(teary eyes)

Jk:noo it was just a mistake.

You felt a pang on your heart.

Yn:it means you don't love me like I am.

Jk:no I don't.

You held his hand.

Yn:look in my eyes jungkook then say that.

Jk:no I dont yn.

Yn:but your eyes tell that you did then why are you lieing.

Jk:I DON'T. (Yell)

You flinched but he held your waist and pulled you closer and started kissing you roughly and aggressively. You try to push him but he hand your hands.

You pushed him with all your strength and looked towards him with tears he realized what he did.

Jk:y..yn I.. m(shuttering)

You slapped him.he tried to approach you.

Jk:y..yn I'm sor..ry.

Yn:dont you dare come near me go way.if you don't love me then dont but you don't have right to hurt my self respect.i thought you're cold but still you have a good hear but I was wrong.(tears shedding)


Yn:I said DON'T COME NEAR know what your the worst nightmare of are just who don't care about anyone feelings.IHATEYOU so much now.i wish I never met you.(shout)

You said and went to your room.jk felt hurt and broken by listening your words.

Jk:I'm sorry yn but I already gave promise to someone and I cant ditch her.youll find a perfect man for you.i love you but I already gave my heart to someone I'm sorry I ll soon go away from your life.(sad and teary eyes)

To be continue......

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