Ch 12 beautiful morning

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You woke up and found the cute baby bunny sleeping while hugging you.

You remove his hand from your waist and peck his lips and went to bathroom to freshen up.

You were done bathing but you wrapped the towel around you.You realized that you forget to bring your clothes.

Yn:wht I should do?kookie is sleeping now so i should go out.

You opened the door a little and peek out and saw him sleeping you came out with little steps and start searching for your clothes.

Suddenly you felt a hand grabbing your were freezes you know who's this?

Yn: k...kookie

Jk:yeah baby.(sniffing your neck)

Yn:wht are you doing?

Jk:I think I should ask this why are you roaming while wearing only a towel.

Yn:actually I forgot my clothes.

He turned you around and pulled you closer making you bump on his chest.

Jk:are you trying to seduce me,princess?(deep voice)

A blush appear on your cheeks.

Yn:no I'm not.(looking away)

Jk:aww are you shy princess let me see your tomato cheeks.(teasing)

Yn:leave me I have to change.

Jk:you can infront of me.

You look at him with wide eyes.

Yn:your so pervert kook.

Jk:only for you baby.(smile)

He lean towards your face to kiss you suddenly

Knock knock

Jk:who is it not now.(fake crying face)

You take the chance and push him he stumbled back and you run into bathroom to change.

Jk opens the door.

Jin:did I disturb you?

Jk:yeah at wrong time.(mumble)

Jin:you said something.(frown)

Jk:no nothing any work .

Jin:no I just came to call you for breakfast come down .

Jk:ok hyung.

Jin left and you came outside after changing.

Yn:wht happen who was at door?

Jk:its jin hyung , he is calling us for breakfast.

Yn:ok then let's go.

You were going but he pulled you by your hand.

Jk:where are you going this easily you didn't even gave me my morning kiss.(pout)

He tried to kiss you but you put your hand on his mouth.

Yn:no way you didn't even brush.

Jk:plss(puppy eyes)

Yn:no go first.

Jk:ok but I'll take it just wait.

He went into bathroom and you smile and went to dining area.

You wished everyone good morning they wished you back.

You sat on chair and a maid serve you.All start eating but you didn't.

Jin:wht happen yn why are you not eating.

Yn:actually I'm waiting for kookie.

Jimin:ooo already started acting like wife.(teasing)

Yn:stop it hyung.(blush)

Jimin:ohh blushing at all.


Suddenly jk came downstairs and peck on your lips and sat beside you on were shocked.

Jin:at least don't do this infront of us naughty kid.

Jk:its common hyung.

Then you all ate breakfast while laughing and talking.

At night

You were trying to sleep you look at jk.

Yn:does he know what is tomorrow.yeah he knows he loves me and I know he will give me a big surprise tomorrow on my birthday. (Mind)

You smiled at peck his lips and slept.


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