Chapter 27: Jax Easton

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Iris is already dressed and ready to go for the day by the time I wake up at nine. She wears a white flowy summer dress, keeping it simple, but it looks so fucking good. I roll over to my back and my arm comes up to lay over my forehead. 

I stare at her as she moves around the room, packing her purse for her Dallas outing with Carter. She sends me a smile and runs toward me, flopping on the bed with a sweet smile. She cuddles into my side, and my heart practically beats out of my chest, a sense of warmth filling me.

"Hi, sweet boy."

She presses a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi, flower."

I wrap an around her waist and pull her toward me.

"I'm meeting my brother at a coffee shop down the block in like fifteen minutes. I don't know what we're doing after that, but I'll be out and about with him."

"I think I just have meetings with these guys all day, so I'll be here if you need anything. And just call me too. They won't mind."

"I shouldn't need anything, but I will, promise."

I lay a kiss on her forehead, and she stands up out of the bed, grabbing her purse.

"I hope you get everything Alpha sent you here for," Iris says while lacing up her Vans.

"Thank you. Wanna ride to the coffee shop?"

"No, I'm good. I want to walk, and you need to get ready for the day."

It makes me slightly nervous that she's going by herself, but I real my protectiveness back in. I know where she's headed, we are in Devil's Rose territory, she's meeting her brother, the walk is five minutes away, and she has self-defense tools at her disposal. 

But it could be something other than that. I take a deep breath and wave her to, still in bed, while she leaves. She must meet someone out in the hallway because I can hear her voice drift as she walks away from the door. 

I get out of bed, take a shower, and get clothes on. Then, I head to the store right next to headquarters and grab something premade to eat because I'm too lazy to cook anything, and I'm not all that hungry.

I get a text from Iris saying that she's with Carter and a selfie that only shows her eyes which eases the tension in my chest. Five minutes to ten, I knock on Guardian's office door to find him and a couple of other official members already in the room. 

I introduce myself to Anarchy and Bolt who I come to find are the lead computer specialists of this chapter of the MC. I should probably know more about the different chapters, but it's also not really my problem either. I don't deal with them unless it's something like this. 

I've barely had to have actual communication with these guys; that's more of a president's job.

"Your girl doing okay this morning?" Guardian asks me, "I saw that she left an hour ago and want to make sure that everything's alright."

"Oh, she's fine," I address nonchalantly, "her brother lives in Dallas, so they are spending the day together. They just wanted to meet up earlier than later because they don't get to see each other often."

Guardian nods his head, clearly relaxing.

Anarchy turns a computer in my direction, and I can tell that he's ready to get down to business.

"Alpha called us a bit ago about any information that we could gather on Maximilliano," Anarchy starts, "We know that you've had some confrontation with him before. Also, that your chapter is going to be the one taking him down."

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