sweet justice

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Red hood: I just wanted to help people. I always thought putting away murders, kingpin drug dealers, rapists, and notorious gang leaders behind bars was stupid. if the heroes of this city ain't gonna put these scum into the ground might as well be me.

News anchor: several notorious crime Lords has been gun down in cold blood a witness in the area reported seeing a masked gun man, in a leather jacket.

Red hood: you know what scares a criminal it ain't a guy who dresses like a bat, or a alien in red and blue tights.

News anchor: while being taken into custody the scarecrow was gun down on his way into the court house.

Red hood: it's Batman and Superman actually letting go and letting their murderous side take over thats what scares criminals. Hell one time a group of 4 super powered humans came into the city and tried to show Superman that the only way to permanently stop the infection is to kill off the virus. They got their asses beat and we saw what would it be like if Superman did go murderous. It was all a bunch of bullshit.

News anchor: the MPD has condemned the red hoods murderous rampage. But some of the public actually applaud the execution of criminals.

Red hood: all these old and new hero's play the same game. Catch, beat up, send to jail. Well my game is a little different it's catch, shoot, and play dead. I'm becoming the fear every piece of trash on the streets worry about. The person who has the guts to cross over that line.

News anchor: crime Lord known as the black mask has been barbequed by the red hood.

News anchor 2: red hood continues cleaning the streets of metropolis with blood.

News anchor: crime rates starts to plummet but at what cost?

News anchor 2: but the main question is who is the red hood? and can he be stopped?

Scene cuts to black and enters to a mansion in metropolis.

Khalil is asleep in his bed. Until his butler Jade comes in and wakes him up.

Jade: master khalil time for school

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Jade: master khalil time for school.

He barely wakes up.

Kahlil: I'm not going.

Jade: your mother and father informed me that it's important that you go to school.

Khalil: alright fine.

He gets up and walks to his closet

Jade: your outfit has already been picked out. It's your first day at your new school you need to look presentable.

Khalil: no Offense jade but you literally work in a onesie that shows off your ass. I didn't even ask you to wear that you just started wearing.

Jade: I just thought it would be something you like. Dont you like it?

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