If we can only turn back time

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Li Xiangyi felt a hand gently caressing his cheek. It was small and soft, the gesture felt familiar but at the same time foreign.

Then a perfume invaded his nostrils, it was the smell of freshly picked flowers and only one woman wore it, Qiao WanMian.

It had been a long time since he had met her and he wondered what she was doing at Lotus Tower but above all what had happened to him? Did he faint? He hadn't lost consciousness in months, after all, Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng had managed to find a way to cure him of Bicha poison.

“Xiangyi, are you awake?” The woman asked lovingly, moving a lock of hair from his forehead.

The former Sigu Sect leader opened his eyes to find A-Mian's sweet face smiling at him. Li Xiangyi looked at her carefully, he had a strange feeling, it was as if he didn't recognize her.

He sat up, refusing her help, and finally realized what was wrong. He wasn't at Lotus Tower, he wasn't even remotely close to it, what he had around him was his old room at Sigu Sect.

Now something was definitely wrong.

"You suddenly fainted during training, you gave me a scare, I hope the child doesn't take it from you" A-Mian scolded him, passing a damp cloth on his neck to wash away the sweat.

Li Xiangyi instinctively pulled back, not letting himself be touched. Child? What was she talking about? And why was he in Sigu Sect?

He began to wander his gaze throughout the room until his eye fell on the bronze mirror placed next to the bed that reflected his own immage.

At that sight he turned pale.

He was wearing his old red and white sect leader robes, his hair combed into his usual ponytail although some had fallen loose in front of his face.

He brought a hand to touch his cheek, his face hadn't been changed by the poison, he was his old self, the once young and arrogant one.

How the heck was that possible? What kind of witchcraft was that?!

"You look bad, do you feel sick?" Qiao WanMian asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He turned to her who had a worried expression and finally noticed her curved belly. Were she expecting a baby? His baby? Li Xiangyi looked down more and more perplexed.

No, this was absurd.

"Xiangyi" A-Mian tried to call him again by stretching out a hand towards him but Li Xiangyi reflexively grabbed her wrist, blocking her in mid-air.

"There's something wrong with you, I'm going to call the others" said the woman who was increasingly distressed.

She freed herself from Li Xiangyi's grasp and hurried as far as she could out of the room.

Li Xiangyi watched her go. He couldn't stay there, he had to figure out what had happened and he had to do it before he met anyone else.

He jumped out of bed but before he could put his shoes on he heard A-Mian come back in with two men in tow.

"He's behaving strangely," the agitated woman explained.

“Don't worry, he's definitely just disoriented,” what sounded like Yun Biqiu's voice reassured her.

Shortly after three figures entered his field of vision.

He certainly didn't expect to find himself in front of him, the man who had destroyed his life, Shan Gudao.

With anger rising inside him, he grabbed his sword leaning against the bed and threw himself at him.

Shan Gudao, taken aback, dodged him, Yun Biqiu intervened instantly, blocking Li Xiangyi arm behind his back and then pushing him against the wall.

If we could only turn back time - Difanghua ffWhere stories live. Discover now