Chapter 15

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    When we opened the door, we were greeted with an horrible  smell.
      "Where's that smell coming from?" Kelly asked.
       "I don't kno----" it was then I saw blood dripping on the floor from the ceiling. I looked up and what I saw horrified me. Kelly noticed I wasn't moving , so she followed my line of sight before she screamed loudly.
      "Th-- that's Mrs He--Helen" I stammered still shocked with the sight.
       "Kora, let's get out of here" Kelly screamed and we both ran out of there, back to our room.
       When we got back to our room, we were still shaken from the sight we saw.
       "She was just killed because the blood was still fresh" Kelly said in realization.
    "But who would want to kill her?" I asked.
    "I don't know"
"If she was just killed now, then the killer.....
   "Is still in the school" Kelly said finishing my sentence.
     I needed to clear my mind so I walked out of the room and went to the library under the school.
     A lot of questions were in my mind like 'Who killed Mrs. Helen and why?'
     After staying there for a while, I got bored so I decided to head back to my room.
     When I entered the room, Kelly sat on her bed looking like she had seen a ghost.
    "Are you still traumatized" I asked worriedly.
     "I went out and saw Mrs. Helen sitting in her office" Kelly said.
    "What do you mean? She is dead, we both saw her dead"
      "I'm serious I saw her and she looked pretty much alive to me"
    "Are you sure you're okay" i asked a little worried.
      "You don't believe me do you?"
     "Well... it's hard for me to believe you when we both saw her dead"
      "Come see for yourself" Kelly said walking out of the room while I followed behind her.
      We walked to Mrs. Helen's office and we looked through the window. And to my horror, she was sitting there but blood was dripping from her forehead. Kelly screamed, but I put my hand on her mouth and dragged her back to our room.
     "Okay, something strange is going......" I was interrupted by the loud bang on the door which made me jump. I looked at Kelly "Who do you think it is?" She asked. "I don't know" I said while standing up and walking slowly to the door. I opened the door thinking I would see something horrific but I was greeted with the annoying face of Florp.
     "What?" I asked annoyed.
   "I heard Kelly scream and I wanted to check if she was okay" he said sounding worried.
   "She's fine" I said while slamming the door and locking it in his face.
    "Was that Florp" she asked blushing hard.
      "Yes and why are you blushing?" I asked irritated.
    "Nothing, now back to Mrs. Helen how could she have died twice?"
      " I don't know"

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