Chapter 16

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       I was running as fast as I could, but I wasn't still fast enough. I kept running down the thick forest, i couldn't see very well because it was foggy. Before I knew it I stumbled on a rock and came rolling down really fast before hitting my head really hard on a tree, I don't know what happened next but everything went black.
        I woke up on a very soft bed in a room I did not recognise. The walls were made of wood and there was only a wooden desk and chair very close to the bed. I swinged my two legs down on the floor and as I stood up, the floor made a creaking sound. I walked out of the room to the sitting room and found a girl around my age sitting down and facing the television. "Hello" I called out but she didn't hear me, in fact I couldn't hear myself. "Hey" i called out louder this time but still no answer. Suddenly, I felt a banging pain in my head and the world below me was spinning, I fell to the ground in excruciating pain. "Help" I called out but no one came to my rescue. I felt a sharp pain coming from my hand and when I looked at it, I was shocked to find a blue crest symbol at the back of my hand.
       I woke up from my dream because the pain was too much for me to handle. It felt so real but this wasn't the first time I was having this dream, it came every night. But the only difference was that I have never seen that blue symbol before.I got down from the bed and went to take a shower and got ready for class. When I was leaving, Kelly was still sleeping so I just left her there. We were having sports this morning so I went to the sports field. I got there a little early so I just sat on the bleachers waiting for the coach. A few minutes later, people started coming and Mr Jack arrived. 
       He told us all to stand and stretch. As he was leading us in stretching, i noticed the same blue symbol on his hand. I just stood there in utter disbelief.
"Miss Kora, who asked you to stop stretching?" He called out to me. 
   "S.. sorry" I said while getting back to stretching.
   When the class was over, I headed back to my room to take a short shower, after which I went for my History class. I got to the class and Kelly was already there, so I sat beside her. I haven't told her about my weird dreams yet and I don't plan on telling her. We waited for like over an hour but Ms. Lisa didn't show up for class.
      The bell rang so Kelly and I  left and went to have lunch still wondering why Ms. Lisa didn't show up.
     "I hope nothing bad happened to her" Kelly said worriedly.
     "What do you mean?"
     "Well with all that is doing on, I just hope she didn't die too"
       "Kelly!! What would make you think that far?"
      "I don't know, I'm just a little worried" Kelly said with a sigh.
    We got to the dining room and waited in line for our food before finding an empty table to sit.
    "Why do you think we saw Mrs. Helen dead twice?" I asked still very much confused.
      "I'm as confused as yo...

"Can I sit here?" A voice asked interrupting Kelly.
       I looked up and saw Florp pointing at the empty space next to Kelly.
     "No you can't" I replied before Kelly could say anything.
      "I wasn't talking to you" Florp said looking annoyed.
       "You are now" I said sternly.
      "Oh my god, you are so annoying!!!" Florp said angrily.
      "And that makes you less???" I said.
        Florp walked away from a table angrily and went to find somewhere else to sit.
     "Why did you do that?" Kelly asked angrily.
      "I don't like seeing his ugly annoying face, and why are you getting angry?" I asked.
      She didn't answer me, and she got up, walked over to the table Florp was sitting and sat beside  him.
       "Seriously, what is going on between them?" I asked myself.
       After lunch, I went for my Algebra class and slept halfway through the lesson. I was so relieved when I heard the bell ring. After my remaining classes for the day, I went back to my room exhausted. I took a long shower before laying on my bed and picking up a book to read. I choose to read "Whispers of the Forgotten". After reading the first three chapters, I slept off. But this time I didn't have the dream I had been having lately.
    In this dream, I was in what looked like a garden but it was way more beautiful than a normal garden. There was a woman in all white walking through a field of white roses with her back facing me. She had platinum blonde hair. She turned around and smiled at me. I gasped at what I saw, the blue symbol was on her hand too. She was whispering something but I couldn't hear her, I tried to get close to her to hear what she was saying but she seemed to be getting farther the closer I got. I finally succeeded in getting closer and I heard her say "Run, no one is going to save you". I didn't know what to do, then suddenly her face turned into that of a witch and all the roses surrounded around her died. "Run or you are going to die!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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