Chapter 7

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Before I knew it, I was pushed up against a wall by a back of rock-hard, solid muscle. The unpolished wood of the walls dug painfully into my back, but I clenched my teeth together, refusing to let out a cry of pain.

Before I had time to demand an explanation, I heard a loud roar that shook the house, and then felt the body that had me pinned whirl towards me and transform into a huge, midnight-black wolf with black eyes that contained specks of silver-and-gold.

My breath caught as my eyes ran over my mate's beautiful wolf form, but my will hardened when a growl came through my mind, saying: Stay here, do not move.

Then he was off, chasing something out through an already-shattered window that led out of the side of the cottage.

I groaned and followed after him, tapping into my Fae speed to allow me to catch up. Screw his orders; I was just as dangerous as he was and was perfectly capable of fighting and fending for myself.

When I was only a few paces behind my mate's running stride, I saw it. The awful, unnatural thing that Xavier was pursuing... it was a being straight from one's nightmares.

It was more shadow than anything, with an ever-changing form that radiated darkness and pure evil. It floated like gas over the fields of the village, able to split itself into two to avoid trees, not once faltering.

This darkness was what I knew had killed Rux, what had written those symbols in blood in his room, and it was how Rux had known about the Fae realms.

This creature was a Fae, although not one of the good ones of legends. This creature fed off of the pain of others, a sadist in its own right. At least, that was assuming the legends and myths I'd heard were correct... in that case, Xavier would have no chance against it.

This had been the invisible creature, although it hadn't really been invisible: it had simply been hiding in the body of Callista, whose real self had likely been dead for the years she was possessed, the thing feeding off her human conscious. The Callista from the house hadn't been the real Callista; it had all been an act. She been a vessel used to feed us lies, which I had expected. She'd likely drugged her grandfather, which had been why he always had that far-away look in his eyes...

And then there was the problem that he'd gone and tried to warn us about the evil, and had paid for it with his life. But why would the wraith-like creature tell me to "follow the stars," much like her grandfather did? Why give me a warning, a chance at salvation?

I shook my head, knowing now was not the time to be thinking about it. I instead focused on the task at hand: hunting this shadow-creature, whose name hadn't even dared be uttered in the human myths.

If it was what I think it could, then no physical force would be able to harm it; only magic. It was made up entirely of shadow after all, and therefore couldn't be injured by physical means.

As I finally caught up with Xavier, I marveled once more at how enhanced my senses seemed to be when I was around him. I supposed it only made sense; he was my other half, after all.

Not having a moment to think over my decision, I did the only thing I could think of that would keep my mate out of harm's way: I whispered a chant that altered the normal energy signal of the air, causing the particles to still and form a near-invisible wall that separated the thing and I from Xavier.

He let out a feral growl as he smacked head-first into my invisible wall, but I didn't wait to hear any more of his complaints as I chased after the creature, my legs effortlessly gliding over the ground at a speed I hadn't bothered to practice for a while.

The wraith seemed to sense my pursuit, and I could have sworn it gave a wicked laugh and said something along the lines of "Catch me if you can!" So, I did just that.

Before it could tell what was coming, I was behind the creature, trying to read the energy signals coming off of it. They were complicated signals, and it almost felt as though the creature had some naturally-embedded "code" programmed into its language to prevent me from altering it.

However, after a few more focused moments in which the thing didn't bother to turn and fight and just kept running as fast as it possibly could, I had its language figured out.

Whispering an incantation that aligned with the creature's energy patterns, I watched without surprise as it fell to the ground, its shadows becoming dimmer.

I held it there, not bothering to look and see Xavier's reaction; if he could even see me anymore, seeing as I didn't know how far I'd gone since we'd separated.

I asked it a question then, one that was in the tongue of the old dialect. It's rough translation into the common tongue was something like: Why tell me about the portals?

It chuckled, a dark, wicked thing. I could hear its response float through my mind, and it translated in my head into something like, You'll see in good time, Sermoni Princess.

I frowned, not at all understanding the wraith's words. I tried for something different: What are you?

You already know I'm Fae, but of what breed? Why should I tell a Sermoni?

I still hadn't an inkling of a clue about what a Sermoni was; even my Linguis senses seemed to think it was already translated into the common tongue, which made it all the more difficult.

I muttered another string of random syllables, altering the wraith's energy and dimming its shadows even further. I could've sworn it let out a horrific, bloodcurdling scream.

That's why, you bastard. Now tell me, what are you?

I could hear the thing's attempt at a chuckle, but it finally answered Tenebris.

Well, at least I now knew what species this Fae was, though I'd never heard of one before.

Sighing at the lack of information I was receiving, I pressed even harder.

How do I find the Fae realms?

Ask your mate, he'll tell you dearie.

It was then that realization dawned on me. Xavier's last name was Astro, and... well, astro was used in some languages to relate to the stars in the sky. I hadn't been thinking about his name in context of a different language, so my brain hadn't bothered to translate it for me.

And if he was indeed a descendant from the great Astro bloodline, then he would probably know something about the Fae portals.

I cursed myself for being so stupid, and then put the Tenebris out of its misery, deciding I was done asking questions. It was past time to get some information out of my mate.

I couldn't help but feel betrayed and slightly angry at him for his lack of information and help. Sure, he tried to protect me, but by withholding information...

I growled, unable to take it any longer, and bounded off towards the spot where I'd seen my mate last, letting the shadows of the Tenebris fade into nonexistence.

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