Quick Bio & Info

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Nickname/Given name: WarLock

Active warning Status: rouge infected/corrupt jeager

Hostility status: Unknown

Looks: (normal)

(Corrupt stance/walk gif)

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(Corrupt stance/walk gif)

(Corrupt stance/walk gif)

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Walking gif:

Missile attack gif:

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Missile attack gif:

Missile attack gif:

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Jumping gif:

Running gif:

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Running gif:

Looks: (damaged)

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Looks: (damaged)

Looks: (damaged)

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Height: 265ft

Weight: 2,650 Tons

Speed: 7 out of 10

Strength: 8 out of 10

Conscious status bio: after it gained its own conscious and became a living organism mixed with the robot, it instantly stole tons and tons of data from across the world to quickly learn as it escaped! It stole a piece of technology and merged that technology with its own, and gained a regenerative power to any injury it was given or had, any broken off metal or limps will be regenerated good as new after 1 minute max! Bigger injuries cost at least 5-10 minutes max to fully heal!

After many months of escaping the defends corp, it went into many beautiful nature spots and befriended some parts of humanity after it saved a few city's from a few rouge kaiju. The world started to recognize you as a hero and not a mindless beast! But the infection was still connected to the mind flayer who tried to gain control of your body and your mind!

Break the cycle! || Pacific Rim x corrupt JeagerWhere stories live. Discover now