Sky Toronto

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He sighed, he has no idea why Branch is being passed to him.

Don't get him wrong, he doesn't mind it!

He just can't figure out why.

Guy Diamond wasn't busy, he had just been watching over Branch for goodness sake!

So that wasn't the reason.

He must be missing something...

He sighed, feeling Branch grab his hand.

Branch looked up at him and smiled, so he smiled back.

"How's your week been, Branch?"

Branch bounced in place, "I helped with Mr. Dinkles and I got dressed up and I played with Cooper then I sat with DJ and I read with Smidge and then I cuddled with Diamond and now I'm here with you!"

Sky blinked, Branch normally never talks that fast, unless he's extremely excited or happy about something.

So he supposes its a good thing, despite how concerned it makes him.

Regressor/Childish BranchWhere stories live. Discover now