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None of them could believe that they get a second chance with Branch.

Well, it's kind of a second chance.

Branch is an age regressor, which means they get to make up for lost time.

So today, they're all in Branch's bunker.

Today was a Bitty B day.

So Clay is playing with Branch and messing with him.

Floyd is choosing some books that Branch can pick from later, he loves story time.

Bruce is cooking dinner, he said that it would be Mac and cheese tonight!

And JD is getting Branch's clothes ready for when he comes in.

Branch is indecisive, even as Bitty B.

Eventually, it was finally bedtime and Branch had, yet again, chosen, 'The Ugly Duckling' as his bedtime story.

JD helped Branch change into his night clothes.

"Ducks! Ducks!" Branch squeaked, seeing the duck pattern.

JD laughed, helping Branch button up the shirt, "Yeah! Do you like your ducky jammies?"

Branch nodded happily as he stepped into the bottoms.

"I love ducks!"

"We know you do, starlight." He said gently, taking Branch to his bed and letting him climb in.

Once Branch was trapped under his blanket, the older four sat around him and Clay read the story to Branch.

Before the story was even halfway done, Branch had fallen asleep.

Regressor/Childish BranchWhere stories live. Discover now