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"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine."— Maya Angelou

Nevan entered the house fuming in anger. " You are so dead for this !!! I dare you to hit her again and you'll see yourself on the road next morning " he glared at her picking Anahira in his arms 
Kavya moved back hearing his words. She knew who is he and know it very well too that what danger he could cause to her and her son. 

"I just came back to give her mobile back and thank god it happened how the hell can she kick her. she had done enough and Now I'll do things more than enough for them" he thought 
"Neva---" she tried to speak in pain " Yes baby, I'm here hmm. We are going to the hospital ok? Please endure the pain a lil more, love " he pecked her forhead. 

Nevan opend the back door of  his car and laid her down gently. 
The pain was too much for her to endure it was increasing as she breathes " Aahhhhh, Nevan please drive fast na " she yelped in pain as he drove fast connecting Aadi on line 

" Aadi come to the city hospital fast " Aadi got panicked listening to him " Who's hurt Nevan !? " 
Nevan turned the stearing wheel and parked the car " Anahira, I'm panicked myself and my brain is least working so come fast !! " Panick to him means panick attack but for her he has to control all his thoughts. 

He picked Anahira from the back. She was breathing heavily, no matter how much time Kavya had hit her she never got weak but you know in front of your love the strongest man becomes the weakest. That's what happened to her. 

He runs toward the reception " EMERGENCY !! Call the doctor as soon as possible " The nurse looks at them and pressed the red button  in front of her. Soon a group of nurse runs towards them with a stature. He laid her down as they took her to the ICU 

Aadi arrived and he saw Nevan shivering on the seat outside the ICU ."Nevan !!!" he called him out but he was way too much lost in his thoughts to listening around his surroundings

Aadi sat beside him and pat his shoulders. Nevan turned around to find Aadi beside him 
" I'll loose her too Aadi, just like Grandma. She'll be gone too " Aadi hugged him " No Nevan, she's gonna be fine... She's all safe, now breathe. Inhale *he inhales* exhale *he exhales* " after some good minutes of breathing exercise his panick attack is gone 

Long ago in 2015, Nevan was on a business trip & that's when his Grandma died out of heart attack. He was in an important business meeting so wasn't informed about it.
He belonged to a poor family. He grew up with his Dadi [Paternal Grandma], since he was 5. To eat and to provide him good upbring, his parents left him to her.

His whole world shattered the day she died. It felt like someone took away his reason to live. He cried all day remembering his memories with her. The pain of loosing someone you love a lot is greater than any physical pain.

Soon in 2017, he got aware about his connection with Anahira, through dreams, universe, synchronicities, He didn't knew how she looked or sounded but the feeling of her in mind made him fall in love with her everyday ...

Doctor exited the ICU. He got up " How's she, all good ? " Doctor smiled at him making them sigh in relief " Yes Mr. Singhania, She's good. Glad it wasn't deep or else it would have affected her reproductive organs " Aadi side hugged him listening to him 

"Unhe hosh kab tak aayega ? Kya hum unse mil sakte hain ? " [TN: Till when will she gain her consciousness ? Can I meet her ?] doctor nodded " She'll gain her consciousness soon " Anahira was shifted to the VIP lounge. Nevan held her hand and kissed it gently " Do not scare me like this again, ok ? Wake up soon princess... I'm nothing without you, this wealth money fame are useless without you Hira " 

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