06. Untangled Mystery

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"You and I, we are embers from the same fire, dust from the same star, echoes of the same love"― Craig Crippen

Anahira's POV :

We looked at him Abhishek "SHIT!!!" he sighed and moved towards us "Stop cursing and tell me who are you both talking about ??" I gulped looking at his tall musculine figure and pushed forward Inara.

"Baby, first you relax and sit" he raised an eyebrow "Don't change the topic or else I'll tell Nevan about it " Nevan NO NO NO !!! not him. He's already tensed about me and he'll get more tensed about this shit.

"Wait !! I'll tell you" I interrupted coming out of my daze "We were talking about Yuvii, Yuvraj Singh Oberoi " Shock took over Abhi's face which made us confused, what's so shocking for him.

"Oberoi !! He's the MLA's son his only heir, what did he do !? " What the FUCKKK. wait let me explain him my side of story.

"Yuvii was my bestfriend. I met him last year as I was just passing by in the corridor when I first saw him fighting with the bully boys of our institute. Gradually we started talking, he initiated it. We used to talk all day, liked each other's company but at the very start of your friendship I made him promise that
No matter where this thing lead us to, never propose me if you ever fall in love. I'll always be your best he told friend nothing more.
And indeed he fell in love but never told me about it. Later he told me that he got a girlfriend so I was like it's ok, why should I be jealous about it, he's just my bestie afterall. But little did I knew I had feelings for him too. I even told him about it but it was late. He loved his gf a lot and always talked about her. One month before things ended up, his gf left him for some other guy. He was all broken and that's when he started drinking. He used to attend class half drunk.
Until one day, he forced me into an empty class. He was drunk and I was hella scared. He pushed me to the wall hard and tried to kiss me forcefully. I tried to push him back but he was powerful. I lost all hope. He touched me in a dirty way---"

My breath hitched remembering all those painful things. Inara consoled me "Thank God a teacher entered and I left the class in tears. I was traumatized for a whole week. I cried a mess and got sick. And then attending classes was something I was forced to go. That's it !! I never saw him after that. No call, texts until today"

I instantly hugged Inara and started crying loud "Shh !!! My bachcha, you are safe now, hmm " I nodded

She wiped my tears "Bhabhi don't cry. I'm here and I will tighten the security around the mansion. Let me call Nevan as soon as possible"

"Why call !? I'm here" He run towards me and took me in his embrace "What happened baby---" I started crying and hugged him more

"Shh Hira !! Stop crying please, love. We are here, everyone is with you now. We'll deal with that bustard too, Hmm ??" I nodded. His words felt like honey to me

Nevan's POV :

I can never see her cry. Her tears are like daggers to my heart. Diamonds are very precious to me, so is she My Hira.

Being the owner of a jewelry company, it's a big job to protect my jewels. And she, she is the jewel of every single cell of my body...

I took her to our room " Don't overthink and just relax... I'll send Aaira with the breakfast" she nodded covering herself in the blanket. Aaira is our oldest maid. She's kind, sweet and the eldest. We respect her and trust her too.

Now I got two targets to handle. Dang why can't these silly creature live peacefully. I dialed Aadi's number and went to my study room... Peace !!!

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