School attack

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Timeskip(Couple of days)

In the past few days, Nu showed up in school to give me a report. She said that the cult was likely using the name shadow garden to lure us out of hiding. She also said that the cult had deployed a named child called Rex, the game of the betrayal to the capital, meaning something big was going on. The cult brainwashes kids with their ideals since young, most lose their mind along the way, but some are able to maintain their sanity and those are the ones who get names.

I told Nu to prepare some forces in the capital. My guess was that the cult was gonna attack our school as the second piece of their artifact is here. But the only people who knew of it were me Alpha and Eta. I didn't tell Nu the exact reason because I want her to think and not mindlessly follow orders. But I'm sure right now the exact thing going through her head is wow, Cyrus-sama is a genius he knew the answer from the start.

I told the information Nu told me to Cid and also told him about my hunch that the school was gonna be attacked. He agreed and we agreed to pretend to get fatally wounded by one of the cult, to convince the other students we were out of comission so that we can act as Shadow and Kurai. Cid also told me about his upcoming background character event at the bunshin festival, he had come up with 101 ways to get beaten. This guy seriously has nothing better to do in his free time.

Right now the bunshin festival was going on but I wasn't participating, because Iris rather I stay with Alexia. She also said the skill I've displayed to her was enough for her to let me participate in the upcoming god of war tournament. So I didn't really need to participate.

I was currently chilling with Alexia in her room. Her arm still hadn't fully recovered so her sister demanded she rest in her room. This morning Claire had kindly passed me ten folders and told me to look through each and every one of them, which was what I was currently doing while laid out on Alexia's sofa.

"What are you looking at?" Alexia asked while sipping her coffee

"Files my parents made about all my potential royal suitors." I said reading through the first one

"Huh?!" Alexia said shocked

"What? Shouldn't you get more of these then me?" I asked confused at her reaction

"Well... yes. But I didn't expect you to get so many." Alexia said while holding her cup with a trembling hand

"Why. I'm a pretty neat guy." I said jokingly

"Yo-Your not planning on accepting any are you?" Alexia said trembling even more

"I don't know. I guess we'll see when I meet them. You can't tell what a person is like from a piece of paper." I said giving my honest answer

"Yeah but all those royals are the same. Stuck up snobs." Alexia said

"Isn't that friendly fire?" I said with a chuckle


Before she could rebuke a knock could be heard on the door. Alexia got up to answer the door while I continued to lie on the couch.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Sherry. Shouldn't you be opening doors for me?! Your my guard after all." Alexia said turning back

"What's up Sherry. Did you need anything from us?" I asked

"Just needed to talk to Princess Alexia for a while." Sherry said

"Sure I'll just wait outside." I said walking out of the room with my files.

Outside I saw Marco there. I guess he was Sherry's guard for the day. I just engaged him in small talk while Sherry and Alexia talked inside.

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