I've killed many {chapter 6}

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I was doing my thing, some hacking, some mousebot, I had been stuck on one level for ages, it's funny how I can hack into the most secure facility in the US but can't beat a mousebot level for hours, I passed the lasers and finally beat the level! I locked my phone and put it in my pocket, I stood up and stretched for a minute, I went to the ladder to leave


I yelled letting my siblings know I'm leaving, I climbed the ladder and opened the entrance, I climbed out then shut it, I stood up then put my hood and started walking, I heard all sorts of noises like beeping, yelling, cars, and screams? I immediately ran hearing the screams get louder, I ran faster hearing where the screams was coming from, I make my way towards an alleyway knowing the screams were coming from there, I grew my claws and wings, I quickly ran into the alleyway seeing a man abusing a woman, I clawed the man's face and he screamed in pain

"Yeah, not so fun to be hurt is it?"

I said then turned to the woman

"You go and get yourself some help"

I said then turned back to the man, I pulled my phone out of my pocket unlocking it, I snapped a Picture of the woman, I then locked my phone and put it back in my pocket, I picked up the man then started flying, he screamed being so high and grabbed my wing causing me to fall, I dropped the man for a second being over two hundred feet in the air, I flapped my wings now being able to fly, I heard the man scream thinking he's gonna die, I flew down and grabbed him flying to the police station, I was close to the police station and flew down landing right next to the station, I pulled my claws and wings back in then walked inside

"Excuse me! This man was abusing a his wife and I would like him to be arrested"

I said in the middle of the station, an officer walked up to me and motioned for me to follow him, I followed him to his office, still holding the man's hands I sat down

"Ok, what's your name?"

"My names Allison Applegate"

I said using a fake name so they can't identify me

"Ok, and how how old are you? Tarry come get this guy!"

He asked then yelled for another officer to come and get the man, the guy walked in the room and took away the man

"I'm fifteen"

I said responding to his question

"Ok, where did you find that guy and what happened?"

He asked trying to know what happened

"I was walking to my house after hanging out with a friend and I heard screams so I went to an Alleyway on town middle 32st, he was abusing his wife hoping no one would stop to look, I have a picture for proof"

I said pulling out my phone and unlocking it

"Ok, thank you for turning him in"

He said after looking at the picture, I stood up from my sit

"Thank you for listening"

I said then walking out of the room, as I walked out I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket, I continued my walk, I listened closely to all the noises I could hear, cars, car beeping, stores, bar music, gun shots! I ran while listening to where the gun shots are coming from, it sounds like it's coming from a nearby store, I grew my claws and wings while running because of hearing a scream then a gun shot and that's never good, I spotted the store and ran inside immediately, I saw the cashier scared with her hands up, and people on their knees with their hands up, I saw one of the robbers pointing a gun at a man, another was pointing their gun at the cashier, the last one was holding a duffle bag of money and a gun, I put up a force fields protecting everyone as they looked up at me, I took off my hood and summoned my dark snakes, they're big enough to wrap around the robbers holding them in place, I took their guns and the duffle bag of money, I gave the money back to the cashier, I put their gun in the pockets to my cargo pants, I told the cashier to call the police to get the robbers, I walked to the shelves and looked for a minute, I found their ropes, I grabbed three to tie up the robbers, I walked back to everyone then realized i never took down the force fields, I took them down then had one of my snakes hold the robber so I could tie them up, I tied up the three robbers and walked out of the store, I flew above the city looking around, I listened closely for any trouble, I couldn't find any more trouble so I flew down to the ground with a quick landing, I started walking again, it started to rain and I used a force field so I didn't get wet, I listened to the rain pouring down over New York, I walked quietly through the city, looking at the lights, listening to the rain, I grew my claws and wings, I flapped my wings so they could get wet, it felt good on my wings, I saw a couple people walking the streets, some looked scared, some looked confused, I pulled my claws and wings back in and walked back home making sure no one followed me, I opened the entrance and climbed in, I shut the entrance while climbing down, my feet touched the ground as I finished climbing the ladder, I walked to my siblings and sat down up against a wall

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