Phone Call

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Y/n's Pov

Right now I'm filming for the new Stranger Things season we just started back and I'm so happy but, I'm missing Walker he says I can call him all the time. Sometimes it's just not cutting out at all it's either I'm busy or he's busy but, today I'm gonna call him since we are both free to play f/g together.

Walker's Pov
I miss Y/n so much right now. I miss her h/c glowing in the sun. I miss getting lost in her e/c. I miss everything about her she's so perfect in my eyes. I really want to call her tonight I have a special surprise for her and I can't wait to see her face. She's gonna love it!

Third person Pov
Momano runs into Walker's room. Walker asks "Did you get it?". Mo responds " Of course I did I wouldn't be Y/n's best friend if I didn't get it ". Walker chuckles and snatches the box from her. Walker admires it before saying " It's her f/c it will fit her like a jewel" Momano sighs and looks up at Walker. Walker says "I know you want to see her but I only bought one" Momano replies " I know I know but when you yk tell her I miss her" Walker nods his head.

Y/n's Pov
Saturday at 9:30 pm
It's time to call him. I let out a shaky breath as if I hadn't done this before I Dont know but tonight it just feels different. I put on some black pj pants and a black tank top and sit at my table in the hotel. Sadie and Millie said they would be out tonight so that leaves me all by myself not being bothered while I'm on the phone. I check my phone and run into the bathroom going crazy about what time it is. I do my skincare and add a bit of makeup on then I go to the couch. I check my phone and see that Walker is calling me. Perfect timing I thought I answered it and I was greeted with a warm smile. My heart melts just looking at him. "Hi cutie," I say. He responds " Hi Princess" My legs just tremble at the nickname he's given me since we were 7.

Flashback to 7 years old
"Walkie talkie, I'm tired can you Cary me? "Y/n says. "Omg, you are such a princess Y/n L/n" Walker replies. Y/n giggles at the nickname as Walker piggybacks her back to her house. What a great day at the park.

Flashback to the Present Walker POV
"Y/n you there" I ask. She responds with a mumbled response I can't hear like she's out of it or something. I brush it off and ask if she wants to play f/g. Of course, she says yes, and we play almost all night. Y/n keeps getting mad at everything. I accidentally left her and she was screaming over the phone. Y/n says " WALKER WHERE ARE YOU?!... YOU LEFT ME ALONE I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO" I burst out laughing as I felt her glaring at the screen. After she gets killed for the 20th time she says " I am rage quitting" I chuckle softly admiring her from the phone oh how I wish I could just kiss her right now. OH SHIT I almost forgot about the surprise. I guess Y/n saw how my face was and asked "Hey cutie what's wrong? Aren't we having fun? Did I do something wrong? Talk to me". I slowly come back from the thoughts as I stare into the phone. I see her face give her a look of reassurance and say " I will be right back I have to go get you something" I screw up all the time so if I screw up again there is no going back. I found what I was looking for and took a deep breath fuck I hope she likes it. I walk back to the camera to be met with Y/n's confused gaze.

Y/n's Pov
"Are you okay Princess?" concernment laced all over his voice. I knew it was him so I just nodded sheepishly smiling into the camera. I couldn't find the words at all my mind went blank. Oh my gosh, Y/n pull yourself together you're losing it over a nickname. In all fairness, there was something else bothering me. I feel like there's something he isn't telling me but I'm not going to bring it up. I see Walker reach for something and my heart starts pounding what could it be? I look into the camera and see a plane ticket. My face lights up in joy as I scream so loud I bet Finn and Caleb thought I fell or something. " Is this true? Are you coming?" is all I can muster to say before my thoughts overwhelm my brain. He's coming just wow. I can't believe it I never thought somebody would fly down for me. I feel so special I love him... wait no I can't say that we've only been dating for a few months. But, I've known him my whole life... I Dont know how to feel right now but I can't X anything out yet. I'm called back to the real world when I hear his sweet sweet voice. "That's not all Princess," he says. I see him pull something else out and it's I don't know what that is actually. I see him pull it out fully and it is a heart-shaped locket in my f/c. I gasp and cover my mouth in shock. The front of the locket has W + L engraved on it. He opens the locket up and I see a picture of us holding hands when we were little. My heart sinks and I mutter I love you, Walker I love you so much. I hear him say "Can you repeat that I didn't hear you". Of course, I can't let him know what I just said so I say " I love it thank you so much if you were here right now I would give you a BIGGGGGG kiss" I giggle and tell him "Good night cutie you made my night" He responds with " Of course Princess you deserve the world I'll see you tomorrow" I end the call and have the best dream EVER.

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