Do I Hate Him Part 1

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                                Y/n's Pov
I hate Percy he's getting on my nerves. He's just a simple new kid who thinks he's better than everybody else. Well, I'm going to squash all the rumors. I'm the daughter of Aphrodite I can be very persuasive if I want to. I have the looks, the brains, and the qualities anybody wants. Yet I can never prove to my mom that I'm worth her time. She's always ignoring me it's like wow Mom do I not matter? So maybe bringing down this wannabe popular new kid is what I have to do. Not going to lie he's kinda cute. Stop Y/n what the fuck are you thinking about we Dont like him after what he did to Clarise. She got the worst cold ever she always throwing up or sneezing. I'm going to get him back.
                            Percy's Pov
After that night in the bathroom, it has been kind of boring here. There is this one girl I think her name is Y/n Luke told me about her. She's fiery, mean, brave, passionate, smart, stubborn, smart, and must I say she is breathtaking. I know she doesn't like me but I need to talk to her. I have the exact plan too it will be great.
                                Y/n's Pov
I go to the lunch Hall and see Percy there only this time it's different. I see his smile and I feel my knees buckle a bit. His brownish-blondish curls bounced every so lighting making my eyes flutter. Snap out of it Y/n you have to talk to him and get him to fess up. As I walk over there I feel all eyes on you as I make my way over to Percy's Table. I lock eyes with Annabeth and I send her a glare as she rolls her eyes.
                            Annabeth's Pov
Here we go that bitch Y/n she thinks she is so pretty but she isn't. I see her state over here and I take notice of her posture change while she's looking at she's looking at Percy. She hates him with a passion why would her pupils be dilated like she's in love? Oh no, she can't like MY Percy I have been working with him since he got here and I have grown quite fond of him. I have a crush on seaweed brain is disgusting. I look to see Y/n making her way over here and roll my eyes. If she wants to fight she can because nobody hurts MY Percy.
                          Percy's Pov
Y/n has been on my mind since I got here ever since she pushed me down on the ground and I was staring up at her. It's something about her h/c long hair. Her glistening e/c as she laughs. Not to mention she was beautiful down to her head filled with her big brain and flowing hair, her eyes you could get lost in, her plump lips that I just wanted to kiss, her breathtaking figure, to her legs and feet. I was staring off into the distance thinking until I heard the voice of an angel clear her throat. I look down and I am present with Y/n sitting down and looking up at me. I get lost in her eyes as she stares at me with hatred and lust. No, it couldn't be she hates me. I glance over to my right side and I see Annabeth glaring at Y/n with jealousy. Why would she be jealous that's weird like really weird. "Listen here, Percy just admit you're a big fake and that u lied about EVERYTHING," Y/n says with a fake smile. I start to speak but Annabeth cuts me off.
                      Third person Pov
"I'm afraid you better back away and leave this table before you go crying to your mom oh wait your mom doesn't respect you enough to care" Annabeth replies. Y/n takes a small breath and bitch slaps Annabeth while pulling her braids to make Annabeth hit her chin on the table looking up at Y/n. "If you utter my mom's mouth ever again or mine I will kill you and drag your lifeless body to Hermes had have him ship you to Olympus" The whole Hall goes dead silent everybody staring at the table trying to see what happens next. Annabeth's eyes get glossy as if she's about to cry. Grover looks at the scene with his mouth wide open not uttering a single word. Luke looks at the scene in fear too afraid to talk. Percy hops up and pulls Y/n away before picking her up throwing her over his shoulder and walking away. " PUT ME DOWN," Y/n says yelling. Percy rolls his eyes in annoyance before going to Aphrodite's cabin and laying her down. He walks out and closes the door.

Time skip to Night time at the lake Percy's POV

I knew Y/n was going to be here. One of her little minions kept following me around and I went there knowing they were watching. All I have to do is wait for her to show up. I am wearing a black tank top and grey jogging pants since I want to be comfy.

                           Y/n's short Pov
I knew he was coming here because of my little minion Leah she was spying on him for me seeing if there was an opportunity for me to be by myself with him. Yes, the idea alone with him made my heart rate fasten and my throat dry but that was just a normal teenage thing. I'm going to be there for one purpose and one purpose only and that's getting Percy to admit I'm right and that he's been lying. I walk to the lake wearing a black tank top that fits my figure and grey jogging pants cut for tiny shorts. My breath hitches as I see him lying there in a chair with a fire pit by the lake in front of him. I wonder what's going to happen. I was shocked when I saw Annabeth that nosy bastard.

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