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"Alright," Poppy jumped up and stretched, ready to start her day and Queenly duties. "Let's do this!" She grabbed her planner and flipped to where Branch had marked the page. He was always trying to help her in any way, the thought of his caring made Poppy smile and roll her eyes with love. "Let's see, let's seee," Poppy scanned the page. "Today I am helping out with the market! Simple enough." She made her way out of her pod and to the local market, engaging in song with the Pop Village inhabitants.

"There's my favorite person!!" A familiar voice squealed. The owner of the voice ran up and tackled Poppy with a hug. "Morning, sis!"

"Veev! Good morning!" Poppy laughed and embraced her sister tightly. "I was just heading my way to the market, do you wanna come with?"

"Sure!" Viva interlocked her arm with Poppy's. "I do have plans with Clay, though, so I might have to leave a bit early."

"No worries, sis," Poppy reassured. "Just glad we're spending some time with each other. By the way, something HILARIOUS happened the other day! So basically.." The sisters spent their walk to the market conversing and laughing. Once there, Poppy locked in as Queen. "Alright, Veevs, it's time for me to ultra focus," Poppy attempted a serious face, but caused the two of them to burst into laughter.

"Poppy you are a riot," Viva said in between laughter. "What are you supposed to be doing here?"

"Well, I usually help set up and organize stands, drum up business for slower stands, make sure the decorations are in check, etc etc." Poppy already began to make her way to a nearby vendor who was struggling with his sign. While lifting, she noticed someone. "Hey, Veevs, isn't that Clay over there?" She nodded her head toward him.

"Oh my gosh it is!" Viva was about to start running to him, before realizing she was still with Poppy. "Oh, sorry, Poppy. Do you want any help around here? I'm sure Clay and I can postpone our plans."

"No no- no worries, Viva. You go with him, I think today will be done fast." Poppy went over to give her sister a big hug, which she gladly accepted tightly. "See you later!"

"See ya, sis!" Viva sped off with those unnaturally fast legs. Poppy watched as she hugged Clay from behind, surprising him. She watched them do a little handshake that they must've invented some time at the golf course. Poppy made a mental note of possibly coming up with one behind her and Branch, and-

There he was. Just as he was crossing her mind, Branch was crossing her path. He was relatively far, and definitely didn't notice her. He was buying some groceries from a vegetable stand. Poppy decided to sneak up on him the way Viva did. She snuck up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hello there~." She said with a flirty tone. Branch whipped his head around, ready to push whoever it was off of him, not realizing it was his girlfriend. He had a look of annoyance and discomfort before locking eyes with Poppy. She giggled at his reaction when he realized.

"Poppy," Branch grumbled, blush spreading across his face as he registered what she had said and the tone she said it in. Despite his grumbling, a smile formed on his face. "You scared me."

Poppy pecked his cheek. "I know. Getting groceries?"

"Yep. Shouldn't you be doing your Queen stuff? I wrote what you had to do for today." Branch reminded her.

"I know, I know, I am! I just wanted to-" Poppy cut herself off as she contemplated something. "Branchifer, did you write market down for today knowing you would also be here to do your chores?" A grin began to form on her face, knowing her boyfriend has done similar things in the past.

"Uhh, that is a great question," Branch turned away, embarrassed. "That I will not be answering. You should probably get back to doing your things. Maybe meet me at the bunker later for dinner?" He seemed nervous about asking her to come over for a simple meal.

"Orrr," Poppy played with his vest, making her tone sound as flirty as possible. "I could finish up super quickly now, and hang out with you." Poppy's actions caused Branch to turn a darker shade. He sighed, avoiding eye contact. Poppy knew he would say yes, but there was no harm in teasing him a bit.

"That works too.." Branch pressed a kiss against her forehead. The couple held hands as they walked around the market, occasionally stopping to either buy from others or to help them. They were both done with their chores around the same time. "Let's head home now. We can cook your favorite meal." Branch smiled at her. Poppy gasped and agreed, pulling on her boyfriend to hurry up.

"Can I sleep over tonight too?" The pink troll stared into Branch's eyes with her overbite smile, driving him internally crazy.

"Of course you can," Branch resisted from picking her up and kissing her. "You never have to ask." Not being able to control himself, Branch leaned in and kissed her. Poppy laughed into the kiss, enjoying every second. The two got off the elevator and laid on the couch to continue kissing, the groceries can be put away later.


i'm totally making a part 2 for the cooking part!! on another noteeee..

i kinda wanna publish a separate story for these two, focusing on nsfw oneshots. should iii?? would you guys be interested in that idkk

whatever the answer, I hope you enjoyed this part!! it was fun to write :3

lunadeewww outt!!!! <3

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