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"Up up up- Trust the chef here, Branch!" Poppy patted her boyfriend's cheek, taking the salt from him.

They were cooking together, trying to make a meal to bring to a Brozone potluck they had the next day. Pop trolls were typically known for their diet of sweet goods, so the couple decided to switch things up this time. They decided on a simple pan-seared steak, a filling dish that was relatively easy to make.

"Do I wanna trust the chef?" Branch raised an eyebrow at her, letting her sprinkle salt onto the raw meat. He hesitated with how much she was putting on it. "Okay- not too much. Shouldn't we be measuring how much to put on?"

"Please, Branch, every troll knows that the best way to season something is by eyeballing it!" She hummed and sifted more onto the beef. "Doo doo-doo.. That looks good!"

The cautious troll winced at how it looked, wondering if it would turn out right. "Okay, pepper now-" Poppy started reaching for the shaker before Branch grabbed it. "My turn."

Poppy huffed and stepped aside with a playful glare, letting him carefully season the meat. He was taking his time, observing the steak from all angles each time he poured some on. Poppy groaned and nudged his arm, causing the flakes to evenly distribute. "There we go!"

"Hhhuu.. Okay," Branch sighed, staring at their masterpiece. "Okay, we gotta let it rest a bit so the seasoning can marinate."

"Actually, we should put it in now," Poppy put on some gloves to move the steak onto the pan. "Can you preheat the pan?"

"What? No, Poppy, the seasoning has to-"

"Branch, Bruce gave me some cooking lessons a while ago! I'm practically an expert," The queen patted his cheek again, earning another sigh from him as he reluctantly let the pan heat up. After adding oil to it, he redid the knot on his apron, catching Poppy's attention. She gave him a little smirk, confusing him.


"Your apron.. What's it say there?" Poppy inched closer pointing at the text printed onto it. Branch looked down at it, blushing when he realized.

"Uh- Um.. Kiss the Cook," Branch glanced back up at her, noticing the mischievous grin on her face. "Bruce gave this to me."

"Huh, Bruce already helped us twice today without even being here," Poppy giggled, stepping closer to him. "And I'm about to help myself to those cute lips of yours." Branch responded with a flustered laugh and an eyeroll, moving away from her to focus on the food.

"We should focus on cooking, Poppifer," Branch side-eyed her, hiding a subtle grin that had begun to spread. Poppy only took this as a sign to tease him further, following him and grabbing his hand.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Th-the meat," Branch sputtered when Poppy's lips were hovering over his. "We should put the meat on the pan now."

"Always finding an excuse, gosh," Poppy grumbled and carefully placed the soon-to-be ready steak on the pan. The sizzling of the meat against the oil filled the room, a comforting white noise for the two of them. Poppy did a slow turn back to him, pulling off her gloves. "Where were we?"

"Fine," Branch sighed with a smile. "We can't kiss for too long, though. The steak could burn."

"Yay!" Poppy cheered and lunged at him, connecting their lips. She gripped the lower parts of the neck straps, laughing silently as she kissed him. Branch held her close, kissing her back with bits of laughter as well. The smell of seared meat spread throughout the bunker, further adding to the hunger the couple had for each other's affection.

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