I Gotta Pee

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Barry had never felt so much pressure in his life, 

"Gahdayumn, I gotta pee."

he rushes to the bathroom, his bladder holding together on hopes and dreams. He WILL NOT pee himself, no, not again. Not after last time. The memory of him peeing his pants gave him enough strength to continue. He rushed, but the fear got to him. He started to sweat. 

"What if I don't make it." he said with fear, sweat now trickling down his buttcrack.

"oh no,"

"oh god, no"


"i gotta take a shit"

he was now paralyzed and white with complete dread. If he shit himself, he wouldn't be able to live anymore. He would throw himself off the very ledge he weeps on at night. He would write his own eulogy. He regained his consciousness, and realized his sweet time was running up. If he didn't move now, he would never move again. He would never get to taste sprite. he would never get to stick his toes intimately in the hot sand of Maryland. he would never get a chance to impress... him. HE. HAD. TO. MOVE. IT. MOVE. IT.

With 0.00000000000987654345678909878909879098765432 seconds to spare, Barry made it to the sink of the men's bathroom just in time. 

It was the fattest, most juicy, squelching, satisfying, large (like his penis), awesome, cool, brown, sexy, tantalizing, Mexican burrito shit of HIS L I F E . 

He felt the poo leaving his system, felt himself return to his right mind, smelt the absolute Godly scent of that shart. 

Barry took out his fanny-pack and picked up the poo to save it for later (just in case.) 

Like a QUEEN, Barry strutted out of the bombed bathroom. Ain't no one gonna bee shittin' in thERE any time soon unless they wanted a reall BEE IN THEIR BONNET. 

But, as he walked out, someone caught his eye. 

The world was all black and yellow until that moment, but suddenly.... it was yellow and black..... 

His BEEst friend, his partner in crime, his...... 

No. He couldn't think like that. He got too many bitches and he didn't want to break their hearts. The hives of hot smokin' chicks and chickens that watched him day and night...... 

Anyways, Adam said something super sexy like "dang what that smell..... it's like..... a poo smell or smth" 

"Nuh-uh" replied Barry in homosexual desperation. 

"oh that's fine then." 

"I need to talk to you no homo." 

"Bee to bee?" 

"Yeah, but not bee ON bee, because that would be kind of gay or something" 



Suddenly, overcome with homosexual desire, Barry could stand it no longer and farted so loud it momentarily blinded everyone in a 5 mile radius, giving him ample time to escape. 

Adam was speechless, but in his mind he was thinking it was the hottest thing he had ever seen in his short bee life. He only wanted to hold Barry close and kiss him with a be(e)autiful passion. He wanted to feel his love, and never have to walk the earth without his lovers shart in his heart.

"I... I... love..." Suddenly, and without warning, Adam's heart stopped and he fainted. Falling backward into his darling's arms, he was out cold.



Barry rushed him to the hospital, unable to bear the painful thoughts trying to manifest in his mind. He was sitting in the waiting room. The clock's arms were moving but time stood still. What would he do if he lost him? what would he do without holding his warm twink figure in his chiseled muscle-y arms. He needed him on a soul level. He needed his pookie bear.

When the nurses finally let him sit by his side, he was heartbroken seeing his body lay still.

"Adam, my twink, my love, my darling, PLEASE,"




"...daddy..." weakly, and with not frivolous nature. The words slipped through his lips. Painted a beautiful, glossy, pink, Barry wanted nothing more than to kiss those lips. And to feel shawty's soft, delicate hand entwined with his. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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