CHAPTER 4 - The Horrors of Stethoscopes

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Percy's POV

I was sitting at my desk, explaining to Annabeth where I was and what had happened when my uncle walked in. I swiped through the Iris Mesage without saying goodbye as if I was stretching. Tony looked around as if the words he was about to say caused him physical pain.
"Hey kid, umm, sorry about last night. I uh got you a present." He said, pulling a white rectangular box out from behind his back and placing it on my desk. I really hope that's not what I think it is.
"All good um thanks" I said, sliding off the top half of the box.

It was what I thought it was.

A phone.


" Oh wow, thank you, gods. I don't know what to say," I spoke quickly, putting the cover back on.
"It's all set up with my and the rest of the teams' numbers and all that." Tony said, looking proud of himself
"It's the latest Stark Phone model,"
While he kept talking about all the different features he had put in this time, I was thinking about how to avoid using it as much as possible.
"Hey, kid?" Tony said, snapping his fingers in my face.
"Sorry zoned out there, huh?" my uncle said, chuckling to himself.
"I was just saying after last night I'm getting Bruce to give you a look over. I checked, and you haven't been to a doctor since you were twelve."
"Umm, not officially? One of my uh, cousins is a doctor if I have a problem. I go to him."
I said defensively, thinking of the many times of was literally bleeding out and simply. Went swimming.
"Ehh, it's fine. We'll just get Bruce to look at you anyway and it'll be good to have it on record and all that ,"
I swallowed hard, not looking forward to the uncomfortable experience, and worst of all, pity approaching me.

Tony's POV

The latest model of the Stark Phone. It is ten times better anything Apple or Samsung could do, and he only said thanks? When I gave Peter the same exact phone, he had almost cried and tried to give it back to me. But Percy just said thanks, and what was it he said? Gods? Why plural weird and his cousins a doctor? I'm no authority on family's but aren't cousins typically a similar age and his mom doesn't have any siblings... except for me, and no one knows who his dad is.

My nephew can hold his breath for over twenty minutes, has a teenage cousin who's a doctor, is a hero according to Thor?, doesn't know who any of the Avengers are, didn't have a phone until I gave him the best phone on the market and he zoned out when I was talking about how awesome I- it was.

Percy's POV

My uncle was staring into space as we walked the halls going to the med bay. He snapped out of it as he almost walked into a wall and fell back into a daze. I thought about simply running away, but it was pointless we were there. Tony smiled at me as if he wasn't about to send me to my doom. The door swung open, reavealing a line of hospital beds. At the end of the rectangular room was a door leading into a stereotypical doctors office. Various medical posters lined the walls and a view of the clear view of the Empire State building out the window. I felt as if the gods and Fates were laughing at me.

"Hi Percy, just here for a check up take a seat on a bed, please."
I flopped on the bed with a sigh, watching my uncle sit on one of the chairs.
"Ok, just a few questions," Bruce started
"Have you been diagnosed with any conditions?" He said obviously, already knowing the answer from the stalking they did.
"Mhm ADHD, Dyslexia and PTSD." I said, already drumming my fingers against my knee.
"Wait PTSD what from that wasn't on the chart?" Tony interrupted.
"It is now Tony shh," Bruce quieted him, although he looked concerned.
"Have you ever been seriously injured?" Once again, thinking he knew the answer. I tried not to laugh. I really tried... I failed. I burst out laughing Tony and Bruce, looking at me like I was crazy.
"Sorry, sorry," I wheezed, trying to regain my composure.
"Ummm, yeah," I said, trying not to bust out laughing again.
"O-ok, what happened, may I ask?" Bruce asked nervously as if I might lash out and bite him.
"Which one?" I said between laughs.
"Which one? What do you mean by that?" Tony eyed me suspiciously.
"I mean, what time was I seriously injured? I've literally lost count at this point," I replied.
"I been stabbed so many times, poisoned a bunch, got branded once exetera," I listed, pulling up my sleeve to reveal my SPQR and trident.
"Jesus kid, what the hell?" Tony exclaimed, grabbing my arm to have a closer look.
"Anyways, the answer to your question is yes. Next?" I questioned as I wrenched my arm back.
"No, we need to talk about what you just said stabbed? Poisoned?"
"No, we don't now, the next question, please?"
"Fine, umm, can you take your hoodie off? I have to check your lungs and heart rate, and I can't through the jumper." Bruce asked, annoyed.
"No." I said sharply the two recoiled.
"Percy," Tony sighed, exasperated
"Cmon kid, it's for your own good,"
"I already have a doctor, so this is kinda pointless, actually." I retaliated, trying to stall.
"You're not getting out of this," my uncle attempted to be stern."
"Actually, yes, I am bye." And with that, I bolted. Zig zaging down hallways, I heard over the intercom a call to catch me. How fun.

Sprinting down one of thousands of halls, multiple heads poked out of doors. Bucky stepped out of his room, trying to intercept me. I simply slid under his legs and kept running the "Earth's mightiest heroes," chasing after me. Rounding the corner, I was face to face with Steve Rodgers.
"I'm really sorry, Percy,"
He grabbed me, and I was flung over his shoulder.

Steve's POV

Percy struggled to get out of my grip and went limp when he noticed there was simply no way out. I walked into the med bay and set him down on the bed, earning another of his glares.
"Okay, Percy, let's try this again. Can you please take your hoodie off it'll take two minutes tops." Bruce practically begged.
"Gods of Olympus fine," the kid said, pulling it over his head, reavealing his chest.

There were sharp intakes of breath from all around the room. Percy has scars. Everywhere. Giant deep slashes and stabs, some of which look too fresh for my liking and some that looked too old hinting to years and year of torment. Monstrous claws marks matched with huge bite wounds from mammoth teeth.

Percy's eyes had glazed over, staring into space.
"Percy, what happened to you who or what did this?" I asked softly. It jolted him out of his stare, and his expression turned deadly.
"None. Of. Your. Business." He spat." I'm going for a walk." He said harshly, pulling his jumper over his head and sped out of the med bay.
"Holy hell." Tony breathed."What happened to him?" He said to no one.

Hello lovely readers (if there are any🥲) I hope you enjoyed "The Horror of Stethoscopes"
. Final word count not including AN 1244. As always let me know what you think. Have a nice day/night :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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