I had a dream

Where we were watching a tape play out

It was of a man traversing a landscape of red he was wearing a brown leather jacket with white furred lapels

Beside him was me?

I think in the dream the tape was of the after of the end of the world

And the man himself had been the cause of it all
We didn't know why or how he did it

Which is why we were watching the tapes in the first place

The third tape
The 3rd March through hell

My cousin messed up the audio of the tape
And somehow
That stopped the world from ending?
The supposed future we were all worried for was stopped and now all is well

The second part of the dream
I had a fight with a rat in a rainwater drain it ended up almost dying but it possessed a cat to survive so now I have a cat rat who wants revenge on me

This is just a speculation on what the second tape looked like

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