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we don't have to talk about it
i can walk you home and practice
method acting.

we don't have to talk about iti can walk you home and practice method acting

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NAME ;; — oc's government namePREFERRED NAMES ;; — what they prefer to go byAGE ;; — (15-17)GENDER ;; — gender of your ocPRONOUNS ;; — your oc's pronounsBIRTHDAY ;; — the day your oc was bornSOCIAL HANDLES ;; — (twitter, tiktok and instagram)BACKS...

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NAME ;; — oc's government name
PREFERRED NAMES ;; — what they prefer to go by
AGE ;; — (15-17)
GENDER ;; — gender of your oc
PRONOUNS ;; — your oc's pronouns
BIRTHDAY ;; — the day your oc was born
SOCIAL HANDLES ;; — (twitter, tiktok and instagram)
BACKSTORY ;; —  where was your oc born? how did your oc step into the spotlight?
CAREER ;; — what does your oc work as?
PARENTS ;; — who are your oc's parents?
FACECLAIM ;; — who plays your oc? (actors preferred)
BACKUP FACECLAIM ;; — a backup, incase your first choice is taken!
PERSONALITY ;; — how does your oc act?
OPINIONS ON JUICE ;; — how does your oc feel about juice?
LI + TROPE ;; — (could be a celebrity or someone else's oc)
AESTHETIC ;; — for your oc's moodboard!
QUOTES ;; — things you'd like your oc to say in the story
THEME SONG ;; — a song describing your oc/a song your oc would like.

NAME ;; — oc's government namePREFERRED NAMES ;; — what they prefer to go byAGE ;; — (15-17)GENDER ;; — gender of your ocPRONOUNS ;; — your oc's pronounsBIRTHDAY ;; — the day your oc was bornSOCIAL HANDLES ;; — (twitter, tiktok and instagram)BACKS...

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