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"Hi, my name is Mason Thames and I play Dorian in Legacies season 2

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"Hi, my name is Mason Thames and I play Dorian in Legacies season 2." Mason greets the camera on set. Francis holds two fingers up behind his head while taking a sip of her juice next to him.

"This is my favorite person in the world Francie." He pulls the girl into frame, who waves towards the camera without taking her lips off of her straw.

"About to film the best kiss scene in history," Mason nods, arms crossed as Francis finally pulls away from her drink. "I don't want to kiss Mason but... gotta do it for the check." She commented and went back to suckling on the straw.

"He uses cherry coke lip smackers." Mason rolled his eyes and pulled the microphone closer to his lips. "It's her first kiss." He whispered and Francis laughs, pushing him off frame.

" He whispered and Francis laughs, pushing him off frame

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