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Monday, July 19, 19995:15 pm

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Monday, July 19, 1999
5:15 pm

Athens, Greece.

The city your sorority—the Delta Lambda Zetas—determined would be the final stop to your little vacation before heading back to the States. It may come as a shock to hear you'd join the very sorority that you said you wouldn't, but it was a great distraction for you. After what happened two years ago, you needed distracting.

There has not been a single day that has gone by where you haven't thought of Sidney. The memory of her death persevered, constantly reminding you of what could've been if you'd managed to save her that night. If you hadn't been too weak.

The worst part was when you had gone to the hospital to tell Randy the news. That was the first and only time you've ever seen him cry, and you knew you never wanted to see that again. The feeling was gut-wrenching, and the guilt ate away at you, so much so that you became distant for a while. It had taken about a year for your friendship with Randy to return to normal as you both needed some time to heal—mentally and physically.

Another year flew by, and you decided to graduate from Windsor early after majoring in theatre... just like Sid was supposed to. Now, you don't want to be an actor or anything, but you wouldn't mind working on set or costume design.

Unfortunately, you never had much time to find a real job that you could see yourself maintaining. Most of your days were spent traveling, going from place to place, never staying anywhere longer than two weeks. You didn't want to be found. Not by Billy and Stu or any other psycho killer that could pop up like last time.

At the moment, you were simply focused on relaxing and steering clear of any negative thoughts while on vacation. This was an escape for you, a way to avoid thinking about the past.

Wrapping your arms around yourself, you enjoyed the cool sea breeze as you walked barefoot along the beach. You paused to take in the refreshing scenery. Glancing at the sun resting above the horizon, orange and pink hues permeated the sky as a flock of seagulls flew above. Everything felt just right.

However, you couldn't quite shake the intangible sensation as if this reality was false. You were unable to place your finger on why until two strong arms slid around you from behind. The warmth radiating from the person had your eyes fluttering shut as you inhaled deeply.

"How did you find me?" You whispered. The need to turn around never arose, you already knew who it was...

"Even if I were blind, I'd find you."

The ocean waves crept up the sand, just barely reaching your feet as you turned to look over your shoulder. Your eyes met with the familiar chocolate brown ones as you held onto his arms.

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