Chapter: Fifty-Two- Pawn in a chess game.

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Waltzing out of another bar with new information in hand, I travel through the shadows in which I live within. Glancing down at my glistening crimson hands, reliving the memories of the battle I had just fought through.

This little gang was not giving up their information without some... convincing. In which I handled in more ways than one.. But that's not the issue. The issue is what I had discovered. And it was making me scared.. Afraid.

Stuffing my hands into my trouser pockets, I rip out my phone, glancing at the barley used piece of technology. I type in one of the two numbers I know off by heart.. My brother.

He picks up after the first ring, clearly waiting for my call.

" Its not good" Is the first words I muttered over, taking a right down a dark alley-way, away from the view of the few stragglers that were still wondering the streets at night. 

" They were planning an attack against one of us, apparently Reid is wanting to develop his own kind of mechanics, the most powerful ones. And he has teamed up with a crime lord..."

"Castillo Canto would be my first assumption" A dark, booming voice uttered across the phone, the sound of my brothers anger plastered a smile onto my face, he was angry, and there is no stopping him once he had surpassed the point of ultimate rage.

" Correct, he wants his drive back.. and I'm assuming he's taken something very close to you to get it.." I uttered the words.. An indication of what has happened..

" Did you find anything from Reid's family?" I asked, as Ash and himself had just gone to visit his ex family, and right at this moment, any information would be vital.

" Nothing too much, nothing important" Was all he responded with, which clearly indicated that he was hiding something... And definitely scheming something awful. 

However I decided to wait and see the result of whatever it was he was planing. As knowing him, it was something big.

As I exited the alley-way, heading towards the one place I know where my brother would be.

" I'm coming to you broth-"

" And when you do, we are having a damned trip to that forsaken school.. We are going to visit an old friend.. We are going to get her back.."

Shelby Matthew:

The battle out of the warehouse was humongous, blood was spilt and bodies had dropped to their death.

TK had managed to retrieve the hard drive and fight his way through the cluster of armed people waiting to steal back what was theirs.

However we did it.. we all escaped, other than one.. Octavia..

Once we arrived back at the school, I went straight to my office. A fear over took me that I didn't think I'd ever feel. I didn't realise I cared so much until she was gone.

A sudden coldness, something strange and unfamiliar. I cared too much and it was scaring me. And i mean yes, I would of cared and worried if anyone from this school, from my team had been faced with the same outcome. But it was different with her.. She felt like the daughter i had lost so long ago.. 

Even Cashe had felt it, the sudden emptiness. I could see it in his eyes. She was like a sister to him. Just like the one we both lost along with my wife..

A hole that was partly filled was now gaping open.. And I didn't like it.. I hated it.

Sticking the drive into my computer. Waiting for it to load to 100%, which was quicker than expected.

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