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gwen is this and cody is this

hey cody!!


let's do a lyric prank and pretend we are dating! to see noah's and courtney's reactions! and maybe the others

coolll! let's do it!!

just to make sure.. you are over me right?

yep! i'm bi

kay that's good! anyways let's do it!

the song they are gonna do is therefore you and me (only the you and me lovey-dovey part and the fact i'm listening to it rn lol)

gay people i know 

gaptooth: you and me

gwenny: you and me? 

gaptooth: you and me!

gaptooth: lovey-dovey!

gwenny: you and me?

gaptooth: you and me! 

gwenny: you and me! 

gwenny and gaptooth: lovey dovey!

gwenny: you and me! 

gaptooth: you and me!

gwenny: you and me:

gwenny and gaptooth: lovey dovey!

bookworm: ...

lawyer: gwenny?

gaptooth: you and me you and me you and me! 

gwenny: lovey dovey!

lawyer and bookworm went offline

baldie: ah great they're sad

baldie: cody text me 

gaptooth: kay kay :3

trent: this was NOT expected

clumsy: woah i did not know that they started dating!

spanishdude: mi amor you have me ❤️

clumsy: ❤️

trent: awwww justin why can't we be like thattt!

hotdude: trent honey im admiring me in the mirror as always

trent: fineee......


trent: ❤️

big sis / lil brother

heather is this and cody is this

okay what did you do now?

i just did a lyric prank with gwen! i didn't actually want noah- i mean them to sad!!

awww you do love your boyfriend

we are just friends!

sure yall areeee



wait i'm coming over to noah

miss ya boyfriend don't ya?


OKAYOKAY! chill i was just joking (for now)



now what's wrong lil gap

what if noah no like me?? he prob hate me bc of this :(((

gap it's obvious he likes you 


i am not lying! and i'll prove that i'm not lying by catching yall make out even tho i won't let him have you


haha chill okay 

and help me out with the outfits btw

kay lil gap

Cody's pov 

oh my god! i can't believe i made noah sad!!! i hate myself :((( as a red light came cody rolled up his sleeves that reveals his scars and pain man... i wish i could stop this...

yk what? imma just play my odetari playlist and drive there to relax a bit... y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y it's youuu!!!! man i love you hoe is so gooddddd! so is gmfu!!! odetaris songs are sooooo amazing dang it! wait a min im alr here! i knock on the door as heather answers it " hey heather! what are they doing here in the first place?" i said "they just wanted to hang out" heather said "where's noah?" i said looking around "worried about your boyfriend huh?" heather said with a smirk as i turned red "HEATHER!" i shouted as heather smirked "okay okay your boyfriend is upstairs" heather said teasing me " heather istg i hate you" i said "you can't hate me i'm your big sis and you would never" heather said "i hate that your right" i said as i walked upstairs to the room noah was in "noah?" i said "are you okay?" i asked "whatever go to your girlfriend "gwen" cody" he said "oh uh haha um the thing is..." *after explaining* "so it was just a lyric prank?" he said "uhhh yeah basically lol anyways let's get ready for the party noah!" i said

Noah's pov

Ugh i was sad bc of a lyric prank... anyways cody is right i'm just gonna get ready with my free time and maybe confess to cody? NAH he doesn't like me i know it! but what if he does....? 

Man thats not gonna happen..he's a ladies man it's not gonna happen.


next up is the partyyy!!!! spoilers: i drew cody's outfit see yall next timeee!!!

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