As you want.

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So first of all don't get angry I didn't post a quiz session you all doesn't ask anything.
So I thought you will not have any question.
So here after next quiz session will be on this weekend.
But there was just one question .
How often you update?
So I update randomly but I gave messages
When I am going to update. Because I don't want my readers to wait.

So here the new ch goes.......

When Jack was telling about the past the door gets knocked and jack thought it was sheetal but there was Eric . Mark thought they need privacy and he only knows half story and half truth is dangerous than a lie. So as a gentleman he choose to leave. Mark goes to find Claire . After he went the door got closed.

So here stood Jack and Eric together  with complete silence between them.Eric began I know it's tuff for you to give your wife to me because once you have a habit of someone and that person goes away from you . It's just I can't say.
Jack said it's not your fault at all Eric she loves you even after 21 years of together.
She can't love me . You didn't do anything wrong if I was you I could have done same but after I knowed that I will be alive I should have started to love someone else or even as a attraction. And in your age you suffered a lot. She just started to cut when you suffer with your disease she told me that she should suffer as well. And she told me that if we can share happiness of our partner we should share the pain too. But you take all the pain dealing with that disease alone. She felts so guilty so couldn't take of you. You deserve her better than me.
Eric said I know it's hard to share my love with you but I am going to give you a favor can't we both together her husband.
Jack said you know what she was hating me from the beginning. If we both will be together then she will ignore me like I am just a doll or a showpiece.
Eric said we can try atleast. But she is mine from now.
Jack said she was yours from the beginning itself.
Eric said you know what the difference between me and you?
Jack said what?
Eric said you were the dom in her life I was a daddy dom once I see my goal I didn't see anything at all. That's the only way you could have her if we share her. I always want to have a kid but it's to late now instead of adopting I should take care of my princess. But you know what what I felt when you married her I cried day and night cursing god to make me suffer that much that I can't live with the love of my life whom I wish to stay forever, whom I wish to share every pain and happiness.
But I can gain my happiness now.
As soon as Eric said the word
door got knocked again and it was sheetal this time Eric opened the door and sheetal drag him downstairs.
They were about to cut her birthday cake she told Eric that she wants to cut the cake with him. Claire got confused but thought he is some close friend to her after cutting her cake 🎂 she feed Eric first then her son then Claire and then Jack.
Then Claire told the surprise movie date planed by them sheetal take Eric hand and told them they both will go . But Claire said he is your friend then why you want him to go on date to this sheetal replied he is the love of her life and her husband her every thing if he will go then she will go otherwise not.
Claire was confused , shocked, amazed.
To be continued...
This ch is short too but I am not getting time being a college student sucks or with science stream.
So rate this ch  out of 10
So tell me did sheetal does good?
Did sheetal love jack too?
Or he was just an option to her?
Can they both her husband?
I thought you doesn't have any question to ask so I ask you now you can share opinion.

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