The punishment continued.

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Mark opened the bedroom door to find his baby wife disobeying his order. He told himself to remain calm and turned off the TV. "This is not timeout," he scolded.

"I am an adult, I do not go to timeout," she scoffed. He sighed and left the room, he came back a few minutes later with a large leather strap, Claire had only been punished with it once and let's just say she never did what she was being punished for again. She opened her eyes wide. "Are, are you going to use that?" asked a very scared Claire.

"Only if I need to," he said trying to remain as calm as possible. "Now, I believe you were given a timeout." Claire got off the bed, and walked over to the corner. She sat completely silent until she was told timeout was over, that strap was the most painful thing she had ever experienced.

Mark instructed her to lay down on the bed, at that moment she realized that she had taken her diaper off and started to panic. "Now, I need to make sure you're healthy," he motioned for her to turn over. He undid her pants and took them off, that's when he saw the panties. He reminded himself to be calm and took off her pants. "Get back in the corner," he scolded "and do not stall or I will spank your bare bottom so hard". Mark had to put her in timeout to give himself time to calm down and think about what her punishment was going to be. The rectal thermometer was her punishment for refusing to nap and he needed something creative for this new offense.

He smiled, this was going to be fun, "come out of the corner now". She walked back over to him and stood in front of him. He pulled her panties down and told her to put a pillow underneath her. She felt something coldish go in her bottom and she squirmed. "Stay still baby," he put the lid on the lube and slowly inserted the thermometer. She realized what was going on and started to cry. "Now, while your temperature is being taken I am going to show you some new supplies," he said as he pushed lightly on the thermometer.

First, he showed her the step stool and told her its use, " this will be for timeout, it will go in the corner, we may also think of more uses". He then went to look at the thermometer, it was still was not done so he moved it around a little and got the wooden spoon out of the bag. "This is for Claire's bare bottom when she is a bad girl, I am going to keep it somewhere we can find it easily," he said as he showed her the words. He set it down on top of the dresser. The thermometer went off so he went back over to her. "You don't have a temperature, but I am going to try one more time," he got more lube and tried to insert the thermometer back into her bottom. Claire tried to clench up and Mark grabbed for the strap and gave her a hard smack across her thighs.

"Okay, okay don't do that again please I won't clench," begged Claire.

He strapped her again then put it down and reached for the lube. He inserted the thermometer and picked up the box with the training potty. "This is for when my little girl is ready to stop wearing pull-ups and learn to use the potty." He put the box in front of her for her to look at and moved behind her, gently pushing the thermometer in and out of her bottom. He took out the thermometer and told her to flip over.

She immediately did what he said fearing the strap. "Spread your legs kitten," he instructed. He reached in one of the bags and got out the hair removal cream. "I am going to check for stubbles now and then we are going to discuss the punishment for taking off your diaper and after we discuss that I will put baby down for her nap." Claire thought he was going to let that go but knew she should have known better. He rubbed all over and didn't feel any stubble.

"Now you stay right here while we discuss what is going to happen for taking off your diaper. A hand spanking is not negotiable, you need to be punished, you will be diapered until Sunday afternoon and one other punishment," he informed her.

"Come on it was just a joke," whined Claire. He lifted her legs up and gave her 4 hard swats with the special spanking spoon.

"It was not funny," he said as he held her legs there. "I am going to have to strictly humiliate you to make you learn your lesson. I need you to go to timeout for 5 minutes now little girl."

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