Chapter 2

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In the bed, early morning Jungkook was lying alone, the emptiness, was it inside him or was it outside, in his home, in his room, in his bed. Older was gone, finally.

When he closed the door after Taehyung left last night, his heart broke into million more pieces. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't forgive Taehyung.

Who was at lost in this, him? Who had lost the love of his life, his best friend, his greatest strength?


Is it Taehyung who lost everything, a sincere lover, a loving husband and honest man?

He sighed, it happened and he will move on, and will get over it in no time, boy! How wrong he was. Everything in this place had Taehyung in it, every morning when he used to pull Jungkook closer by his waist, every time him climbing on top of Jungkook and kiss his whole face, every day them taking sham-less showers together.

Then eating whatever Jungkook would make, sharing the last toast then kissing by the door, Taehyung not letting him leave until he was breathless.

He was everywhere.

And now!

He isn't anywhere.

Jungkook turned the shower off, the soundless room was making his head hurt so he turned on the music, on the loudspeaker, while he tried getting ready, looking for his shirts that were supposed to be washed out by now.

He ended up calling Taehyung, who was sleeping on the couch and fell on the hard cold floor of his office, because of the sudden loud sound from his phone.

"Jesus! Who is it?" He put it on his ear, eyes closed as he lied down on the big couch again.

"It's me, Jungkook". Younger missed his groggy morning voice that still was deep enough to make his inside churn, younger sat down on the floor, next to their bed, legs folded to his chest and hand holding them close.

"Jungkook? What time is it?" Older asked then check his phone with one closed eye, "6 in the morning. Are you alright?" He asked putting the phone back on his ear.

"I-I couldn't find my office shirts", he mumbled while his hand stretched and he started playing with the floor tiles, making circles and other patterns.

"They must be in the dryer, I put them in last night before leaving" Taehyung said, now eye openly staring at the morning Seoul outside the huge office glass window.

"Ahan. I'll check them out then", he replied then he pulled his lower lip under his teeth, trying to bite off the skin, not sure what else to ask to keep the conversation going.

"It's cold today", he mumbled.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Older questioned making Jungkook smile, "just trying to say, stay warm Taehyung. I hate you doesn't mean I want you to freeze in this cold weather".

Taehyung smiled and looked at his throw that he found on the couch, curtesy of Jimin, and pulled it up to his chest, looked out as it was still snowing.

"And you, don't drive today. I know you're scared of slippery roads".

"Yea, I'm taking a bus today".

"Wear that coat I got for you, you said you'll save it for snow" older added and Jungkook chuckled, "the one with that ugly colour, no thanks! I'll go with the black one".

"Wait, you thought it's ugly?"

"Tae, it was green like vomit, what was I supposed to say?" He giggled thinking what kind of a face older would have made, "I'll give it to Yogueom, he wears stuff like that".

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